
Effects of foliar paclobutrazol application on lodging resistance and grain yield of oil flax

  • 摘要: 倒伏是影响胡麻高产优质的因素之一,有效防止倒伏是目前胡麻生产上亟待解决的问题。在大田试验条件下,喷施清水作对照(A0),研究了胡麻现蕾期和盛花期叶面喷施多效唑50 mg·L-1(A1)、100 mg·L-1(A2)、150 mg·L-1(A3)对籽粒产量和抗倒伏相关性状的影响。结果表明:多效唑叶面喷施可以明显降低胡麻的株高和重心高度,全生育期分别降低了8.91%和10.6%。胡麻植株茎粗在青果期达到最大值,其中A3处理的茎秆最粗,较A0处理显著增加24.3%。在胡麻现蕾期,各处理的茎秆壁厚最大,此后逐渐递减,A1处理在青果期和成熟期的壁厚最大,比A0处理显著增加11.8%和14.9%。A2处理对胡麻青果期和成熟期茎秆抗倒伏指数的影响较大,较A0处理分别显著增加30.0%和25.3%。相关分析表明,胡麻青果期株高、重心高度与茎秆抗倒伏指数呈显著、极显著负相关关系,而成熟期壁厚和茎粗与茎秆抗倒伏指数有极显著、显著正相关关系。胡麻茎秆中木质素和纤维素含量随着胡麻生育时期的顺延表现出逐渐递增的趋势,成熟期茎秆中木质素和纤维素含量以A2处理的最多,分别较A0处理增加12.3%、8.43%。不同浓度多效唑处理下胡麻的籽粒产量从高到低的顺序依次为A2>A3>A1,A1、A2、A3增产率分别为10.0%、17.9%和13.9%。综合分析,在本试验条件下100 mg·L-1多效唑是最佳喷施浓度,在增产的同时可以有效地增强胡麻的抗倒伏能力,是较适宜的防倒增产栽培措施。


    Abstract: Lodging is one of the factors affecting high yield and quality of oil flax, and preventing lodging is urgently needed in oil flax production.Aiming at providing theoretical basis of paclobutrazol regulation for high yield and quality, a field experiment was conducted to study the effects of foliar paclobutrazol application on grain yield and lodging resistance traits of oil flax.Four treatments including three paclobutrazol concentrations were designed as follows:50 mg·L-1(A1), 100 mg·L-1(A2), 150 mg·L-1(A3), and water as a control(A0), by foliar application at budding and flowering stages.The results showed that different concentrations of paclobutrazol significantly decreased plant height and plant gravity height by 8.91% and 10.6% in the whole growth period, respectively.The stem diameter in different treatments reached a maximum value at fruit greening stage, with the greatest increase in A3 treatment, which significantly increased by 24.3% compared with that of A0.The stem wall thickness in different treatments reached a maximum value at budding stage and then dropped down; A1 treatment was with the greatest wall thickness at fruit greening and maturing stages, increased by 11.8% and 14.9% than that of A0, respectively.A2 treatment was in a great effect on lodging index, which was 30.0% and 25.3% higher than that of A0, respectively.Moreover, correlation analysis showed that plant height and plant gravity height were in a negative correlation with lodging index significantly at budding period, while stem wall thickness and diameter were in a positive correlation with lodging index significantly at maturing period.The lignin and cellulose contents were in an increasing trend with the growth period, with the greatest contents of A2 treatment at maturing stage, 12.3% and 8.43% higher than that of A0, respectively.The grain yield of oil flax in different concentrations of paclobutrazol was in a decreasing order as A2, A3 and A1, and yield increasing rate of A1, A2 and A3 was 10.0%, 17.9% and 13.9%, respectively.Therefore, A2 was an optimal treatment in enhancing the lodging resistance effectively and grain yield of oil flax.


