Straw mulching strip-till technology and its application in corn production
摘要: 玉米秸秆覆盖还田是减少土壤风蚀、保持土壤墒情、增加土壤肥力的一项重要技术,但我国东北春玉米秸秆覆盖面积仍然较小,原因之一是秸秆覆盖还田技术尚不够完善。在欧美国家,秸秆覆盖条耕技术(Strip-till)是实现秸秆覆盖还田的一项重要技术,但在我国应用很少。为此本文综述了国内外秸秆覆盖条耕技术的机械特点、耕作方法及配套管理技术。通过条耕可以将苗带中秸秆清理干净,并疏松土壤,有利用于提高玉米播种质量,实现苗全、苗壮;而行间保持全程秸秆覆盖,有助于减少水分散失。因此条耕结合了秸秆覆盖还田传统耕作的优点。本文认为,秸秆覆盖条耕技术在我国北方土壤风蚀严重、水分缺乏地区有广泛的应用前景,应该加大相关农机农艺综合技术研究,加快该技术的推广应用。Abstract: No-till with straw mulching is one of the important ways to reduce wind erosion, keep soil moisture and improve soil fertility.However, its application in spring maize of Northeast China is quite limited.One reason is that the lacking of feasible technologies to deal with the straw residues.Strip-till is a key technique to return straw residues to the field in crop production in America and Europe, but it is seldom applied in China.In this review, we presented a comprehensive introduction to the machines, cultivation procedure and field management for strip-till practice.The strip-till indicated that the seedbed strip was prepared by clearing the straw residue and loosening the soil, which improved the sowing quality and ensured the full emergence of the corn seedlings.The inter-row soil was mulched with straw residue to reduce water evaporation, which increased early drought resistance.Therefore, strip-till combined the advantages of both no-till and the conventional till.Therefore, we suggested that strip-till would be potentially applied in North China where there was serious problems of wind erosion and drought stress, and further studies would be required to develop suitable machines for strip-till and the corresponding soil-crop management system for speeding up the application.