
Analysis of earthing-up effects on number and diameter of nodal roots in spring maize

  • 摘要: 中耕培土是我国玉米生产中广泛应用的耕作方法之一,培土在大田管理中占有重要地位。本文采用田间试验,选用玉米品种郑单958(ZD)和先玉335(XY),利用PVC管,研究不同培土高度对玉米节根数量和直径的影响。试验中培土高度分别为8 cm (H1)和15 cm (H2),不培土植株为对照(CK)。研究结果表明:培土高度对单株玉米节根总数产生显著影响。与CK相比,培土植株的单株节根数显著增加,其中H2处理的节根数最高,与CK相比较,H2处理使郑单958的单株节根总数增加了13.8%,先玉335增加了7.4%。这种增加主要是第九层次生根数量的增加所致;培土对单株节根数量的影响存在品种间的差异。与CK相比,培土高度使第八层和(或)第九层次生根直径下降,且存在品种间差异。


    Abstract: Ridge-till with earthing-up is a widely used practice in maize production, while earthing up is also a key practice in crop production.To understand the effects of earthing-up height on the number and diameter of nodal roots in maize, a field experiment, by using PVC tube, was conducted with following treatments:2 maize varieties, Zhengdan 958(ZD) and Xianyu 335(XY); 3 erathing-up heights, H1(8 cm) and H2(15 cm) and CK(no earthing-up).The results showed that the earthing-up height significantly influenced the total number of nodal roots per plant.Compared with CK, the number of nodal roots of plant with earthing-up treatments increased significantly, and the number of nodal roots in Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335 with H2 treatment was increased by 13.8% and 7.4% respectively, which was mainly due to the increased number on the ninth phytomer though the effects varied between maize varieties.Compared with CK, earthing up treatments significantly decreased the diameter of nodal roots on the eighth and(or) ninth phytomers and differences between maize varieties also existed.


