Comparative analysis on the agronomic traits of soybean cultivars in different maturity groups from Jilin Province
摘要: 生育期是大豆重要的生物学特性,品种生育期的长短对农艺性状有较大影响。本研究于2013和2014年对种植的吉林省新近选育的94份大豆品种,采用相关和灰色关联分析两种方法分析了其不同生育期组大豆品种间主要农艺性状的差异及相互关系。结果表明:从MG0组到MGⅢ组,始花期(R1)、生理成熟期(R7)和完熟期(R8)逐渐延后,生育期结构的变异系数表现为营养生长期>生殖生长期>全生育期。各生育期组生殖生长期均与全生育期呈显著或极显著正相关关系,说明在大豆生长发育过程中生殖生长期起到了较大的作用。不同生育期组品种各农艺性状间的相关分析,MG0组品种在选育过程中可适当降低株高和主茎节数同时增加分枝数;MGⅠ组品种通过对株高、节数和分枝数的增加来改善产量构成因子,提高产量;分枝数可作为MGⅡ组品种选育的一个考量指标;MGⅢ组增加株高和主茎节数是提高产量潜力的较重要因素,尽量选择分枝较少的材料。灰色关联度分析,MG0、MGⅠ、MGⅡ组品种单株粒重与单株粒数关系同相关性分析结果一致。Abstract: The maturity period is an important character of soybean and has great influence on other agronomic traits.The differences and relationship of 94 soybean cultivars released in recent years were analyzed in 2013 and 2014 by using correlation and gray correlation analysis methods.The main results showed that from MG0 to MG Ⅲ, the R1, R7 and R8 stages were all delayed.The variable coefficient of different growth periods was vegetative stage > reproductive stage> the whole growth period, and the reproductive stage was positively correlated with the whole growth period.Correlations among different agronomic traits showed that plant height could be reduced while the number of branches could be increased for MG0 varieties in the process of selection; Increasing plant height, node number and branch number can increase the yield in MGⅠ varieties.Branch numbercould be considered as a selection indicator for MGⅡ varieties.Increasing plant height and number of main stem nodes with fewer branches maybe important to improve yield potential in MG Ⅲ.Gray correlation analysis found that the similar results that seed number per plant was closely associated with seed weight per plant among MG0, MGⅠand MGⅡ.