
Performance and genetic potential of northeast China soybean germplasm population in Baicheng City of Jilin Province

  • 摘要: 本研究于2012-2014年间,以搜集到的东北地区各育种单位现存的大豆育成品种和地方品种共计361份为试验材料,通过在白城市田间表型,研究其在该地区的潜在育种价值。研究结果表明:(1)东北大豆种质群体在白城平均全生育期105 d (80.4~130 d)、株高73.3 cm (30.1~131 cm)、主茎节12.9个(7.13~18.9个)、分枝数2.53个(0.08~8.83个)、蛋白质含量41.0%(36.8%~46.1%)、油脂含量21.4%(18.0%~23.7%)、蛋脂总量62.3%(58.1%~65.8%)和百粒重18.4 g (8.33~25.7 g)。(2) MG000和MG00的生育天数比当地无霜期早约50~60 d,集中在83~92 d,不能充分利用当地的自然条件;当地适合熟期组为MGI、MGⅡ,各性状的平均值与群体平均相近。MG000和MG00品质性状优于MGI、MGⅡ,蛋脂总量分别高约2%;株高低20~50 cm,节数低3~9节。MGⅢ熟期中的少部分品种,不能正常成熟,不适合当地种植;品质性状表现差于当地品种,蛋脂总量均低约1%,油脂低约1%;而株高高出约16 cm,节数多2节。(3)油脂含量、蛋白质含量及产量的遗传进度小。根据育种潜势分析,提出了在农艺和品质性状上可用于改良的亲本。


    Abstract: To evaluate the performance and genetic potential of the soybean germplasm population, we collected 361 landraces and released cultivars in northeast China and conducted a field experiment to test their local phenotypes in Baicheng City of Jilin Province in 2012-2014.The results showed as follows.(1) Averagely, the population was with 105 d(80.4-130 d) of full growth period, 73.3 cm(30.1-131 cm) of plant height, 12.9(7.13-18.9) of nodes on main stem, 2.53(0.08-8.83) of branch number, 41.0%(36.8%-46.1%) of the protein content, 21.4%(18.0%-23.7%) of oil content, 62.3%(58.1%-65.8%) of total protein and oil content, and 18.4 g(8.33-25.7 g) of 100-seed weight.(2) The MG 000 and MG00 matured in 83-92 d, 50-60 d earlier than the first local frost-day, which could not fully use local climatic conditions; while the agronomic traits of MGI and MGⅡ groups were similar to those of the population, which could fully use the local frost-free period.The seed quality traits of MG000 and MG00 were better than those of MGI and MG, with 2% higher oil content or protein-oil content, while their plant heights and nodes on main stem were about 20-50 cm and 3-9 nodes less than those of MGI and MG, respectively.Some of the MGⅢ could not mature on time and were not suitable for local planting.The seed quality traits of MGⅢ were not as good as those of local varieties, with 1% less oil content or protein-oil content, respectively; while the plant height and nodes on main stem of MGⅢ were about 16 cm and 2 nodes more than those of local varieties, respectively.(3) The genetic progress of oil content, protein content and yield were lower than other agronomic and seed quality traits.Based on the tested data, we proposed some superior accessions as parental materials to improve individual traits for local cultivars.


