Photosynthetic physio-ecological characteristics of maize intercropping system
摘要: 间作广泛应用于玉米生产中,实践证明它是一种有效的栽培方式。玉米间作体系实现了群体对光能的高效利用,带型配置和种植密度是影响玉米间作体系光能利用效率和产量的主要因素。黔中地区玉米大豆间作,玉米密度在4.8万株·hm-2,玉米大豆2∶3、2∶4带型配置为最佳经济效益模式;玉米花生间作成为黄淮海平原地区发展较快的间作模式,玉米花生2∶10间作增强了玉米利用强光的能力和花生利用弱光的能力,干物质积累量大,间作优势明显;品种选择对于不同基因型玉米间作优势发挥具有关键作用,合理株高差有利于形成波浪式冠层,透光性增强,河南地区高秆与低秆品种行比2∶4带型间作,使高矮秆玉米光能利用效率较高,光合速率最大;玉米间作小麦系统适用于我国西北地区,光能利用效率较高;苜蓿竞争能力较强,较单作相比,间作明显增加了苜蓿生物量,其中玉米紫花苜蓿4∶6间作是东北农牧交错区的最佳配置。Abstract: Intercropping, due to its efficient utilization of light, has been proven to be an effective cultivation method and widely practiced in maize production.The light use efficiency and yield of maize intercropping system are mainly influenced by intercropping patterns and planting densities.The density of 48, 000 plants·hm-2 for maize and ratio of 2:3 or 2:4 for maize/soybean intercropping was the most economic benefit mode in the middle of Guizhou province.Maize/peanut intercropping as an important cultivation pattern expanded rapidly in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.Ratio of 2:10 for maize/peanut intercropping enhanced the efficient utilization of strong sunlight by maize and weak sunlight by peanut, thus leading to a larger amount of dry matter accumulation and more intercropping advantages.The maize variety selection played a key role in different maize intercropping systems.In Henan province, ratio of 2:4 for higher maize/lower maize intercropping formed wave canopy, enhanced light use efficiency and improved the highest photosynthetic rate.Maize/wheat intercropping was increasingly becoming popular in northwestern China because of its efficient use of the light resources.The alfalfa competitive ability was stronger in maize/alfalfa intercropping, with a higher alfalfa biomass than monoculture.Ratio of 4:6 for maize/alfalfa intercropping was the best combination in the agriculture-animal husbandry eco-zone of northeast China.