
The effects of hydrology and salinity on plant eco-physiology and soil environment in saline wetlands: A review

  • 摘要: 水、盐条件是盐沼湿地生态系统最重要的环境因子,其变化会对植物的生长、繁殖、分布以及土壤环境造成直接影响。近年来,气候变化与人类活动对盐沼湿地生态系统干扰严重,水文与盐分条件变化剧烈,大面积湿地退化且呈现干旱和盐碱化的变化趋势,严重影响盐沼湿地生态系统结构与功能的稳定。本文总结了国内外盐沼湿地植物萌发、生长、繁殖、生理代谢以及土壤养分和微生物对水、盐条件变化响应研究的研究成果,并对未来相关研究提出几点建议:(1)加强植物根系周转对水、盐条件变化响应规律的研究以加深对盐沼湿地养分循环机制的理解;(2)开展水盐条件变化下的养分-植物-微生物响应的整体性研究。


    Abstract: Hydrology and salinity in saline wetlands are two most important environmental factors directly affecting soil and growth, reproduction and distribution of vegetation.In recent years, the extreme influences from climate changes and anthropogenic activities have caused changes of hydrology and salinity in saline wetlands, and thus enlarging degradation area and increasing aridification and salinization for the wetland, which greatly damages the structure and function stability of the wetlands.In this paper, we summarized the researches concerning the effects of hydrology and salinity on germination, growth, reproduction and metabolism of vegetation as well as soil nutrients and microorganism in saline wetland.Then, we proposed future study highlights: (1) to study the responses of plant root nutrient turnover to different water and salt conditions to further understand the nutrient cycling mechanism in saline wetland; (2) to initiate an integral study concerning responses of nutrients-plant-microorganism to water-salt conditions.


