
Screening of early-maturing and high-yielding rapeseed varieties under rapeseed-rice-rice cropping system

  • 摘要: 为筛选适合江西省油稻稻三熟制种植的早熟高产优质油菜品种,引进阳光131、川油1号等15个双低油菜新品种,对其早熟性、抗性、产量和日均产量等进行了比较。结果表明:从早熟性来看,川油1号、川油3号、阳光131及沣油320熟期较早,赣两优5号和赣油杂9号熟期偏晚;从抗性来看,阳光131、中油杂24、圣光127、黔油早2号、丰油730、沣油847及赣油杂8号7个品种抗性能力较强;从产量和日均产量来看,阳光131、中油杂24、庆油1号、圣光127、黔油早2号、浔油9号、丰油730、沣油847、沣油320和赣油杂8号10个品种较高;通过对15个油菜新品种综合性状的考察,阳光131、中油杂24、圣光127、黔油早2号、丰油730、沣油847及赣油杂8号等品种抗倒性和抗菌核病强,产量及日均产量高,熟期适宜,适合在江西省作为油稻稻三熟栽油菜品种推广种植。


    Abstract: Fifteen rapeseed varieties introduced from several institutes were used for comparison test in order to understand the related traits of early-maturing and high-yielding for double cropping rice areas in Jiangxi province.The experiment compared the maturity, resistance, yield and daily yield.The results showed that Chuanyou 1, Chuanyou 3, Yangguang 131 and Fengyou 320 were the earlier maturing varieties, Ganliangyou 5 and Ganyouza 9 were the late maturing varieties.The resistant ability of Yangguang 131, Zhongyouza 24, Shengguang 127, Qianyouzao 2, Fengyou 730, Fengyou 847, Ganyouza 8 were stronger.As for the unit yield and daily yield, Yangguang 131, Zhongyouza 24, Qingyou 1, Shengguang 127, Qianyouzao 2, Xunyou 9, Fengyou 730, Fengyou 847, Fengyou 320 and Ganyouza 8 were higher than other varieties.Comprehensive evaluation on all tested varieties showed that Yangguang 131, Zhongyouza 24, Shengguang 127, Qianyouzao 2, Fengyou 730, Fengyou 847 and Ganyouza 8 were suitable for the rice-rice-rapeseed cropping system in Jiangxi Province.


