
Principles and practices for range and pasture management

  • 摘要: 为了深化理解我国北方草原的保护与利用,发展体系化的放牧及放牧场管理理论和技术,建立适宜的饲草场生产系统及其利用途径,文章概括总结了北美的放牧场管理原理和欧洲的饲草场管理实践。放牧场和饲草场的研究及管理属于应用生态学范畴,放牧场需要针对具体单元或区域、具体牲畜种类及其牧食行为,研究其管理原理及管理实践;饲草场需要针对具体单元或区域,基于特定土壤,选择适宜的饲料作物种类或品种,研究其自然生长及再生长的产量过程及营养动态,利用途径及可持续性。依据相关标准,划分了我国放牧场及饲草场潜在的空间分布,及我国需要发展区域性放牧场和饲草场管理原理及实践。


    Abstract: In order to deepen the understanding of protection and utilization of grassland in north China,develop systematic theory and technology of range and pasture management,and establish suitable forage production system and its utilization approach,we summarized principles and practices for range management,pasture production and utilization in North America.The research and management of rangeland and pastureland are within the scope of applied ecology.The principles and practice for rangeland need to consider specific units or regions,specific animal species and their grazing behaviors.Pastureland needs to select suitable forage crops or varieties according to specific units or regions and specific soils,while studies on yield process,nutrient dynamics,utilization approaches and sustainability of their natural growth and regeneration are required.Based on relevant criteria,we classified and regionalized a potential distribution pattern for range and pasture development in China,and suggested developing regional management principles and practices of range and pasture in China.


