Analysis of agronomic traits in tomato inbred lines
摘要: 为探究番茄自交系种质资源的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,以46份普通番茄自交系为试验材料,利用遗传变异度分析、遗传相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析等技术对其9个农艺性状进行了综合统计分析。结果显示: 在9个农艺性状中,单果重的变异系数最大,达36.8%,而果实硬度的变异系数最小,为12.6%。遗传相关分析结果表明,各性状间存在着复杂的相互关系;综合相关性和通径分析结果,单株总产量与心室数、果实横径、果实纵径、单果重和坐果率5个性状关系最为紧密。主成分分析结果显示株高、坐果率、单株产量和单果重的累计贡献率是84.4%,可以涵盖所有研究性状的主要信息。基于表型数据,在欧氏距离为0.16处将供试材料分为3个类群,国外品种主要集中于第一类群第1、2亚类和第三类群第2亚类,且分布较为紧凑;来自中国的1份野生番茄单独成为第二类群。研究结果明确了不同自交系材料间的表型特异性,为利用番茄自交系杂交育种工作理清了思路,并为加快新品种的选育奠定了基础。Abstract: The genetic diversity and genetic relationship of 9 agronomic traits among 46 tomato inbred lines were comprehensively examined by variation evaluation,genetic correlation analysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis.The results showed that the trait of weight per fruit displayed the highest coefficient variation(CV) of 36.8%,while the fruit hardness had the lowest CV of 12.6%.The correlation analysis indicated that complex correlations exist among different traits.The results of correlation and path analysis showed that the total yield per plant was closely related to the number of ventricles,transverse diameter of fruit,longitudinal diameter of fruit,weight per fruit and fruit set rate.Principal component analysis showed that the first four principal components accounted for over 84.4% of genetic diversity,which contained most information of all indicators.The 46 tomato inbred lines were divided into 3 groups at the 0.16 European distance,foreign resources were clustered compactly into 1 sub-group and 2 sub-group of the first group; and only 1 Chinese wild tomato was clustered in the second group.The results clearly defined the phenotypic features of tomato inbred lines,which provided useful information for breeders to accelerate breeding process of new cultivars.