
Responses of biological characteristics in entomopathogenic nematodes to cold acclimation of navel orangeworm

  • 摘要: 为研究经不同温度驯化的寄主昆虫对昆虫病原线虫生物学特性的影响,开展了室内生测试验,调查了2种斯氏属线虫对不同温度驯化的5龄脐橙螟幼虫的致病力、侵入力和繁殖力及寄主体内繁殖出线虫的冷冻存活率。结果表明,线虫Steinernema carpocapsae对经10℃、15℃、20℃和25℃驯化7 d的5龄脐橙螟幼虫的致死率没有显著影响,但线虫S.feltiae对经10℃驯化的5龄脐橙螟幼虫致死率为96.7%,显著高于25℃处理81.4%;线虫S.carpocapsae和S.feltiae对经10℃处理的5龄脐橙螟幼虫的侵入率分别为49.3%和39.7%,均显著高于25℃处理(26%和24%);随着驯化温度的降低,2种线虫从体表出现的寄主数量占总寄主数量的比率呈升高的趋势,线虫S.feltiae的升高趋势更明显;2种线虫在经10℃驯化的5龄脐橙螟幼虫体内繁殖的产量均显著高于25℃处理,并且随驯化温度的降低S.feltiae产量呈上升的趋势较S.carpocapsae更明显;低温驯化寄主昆虫可提高其体内寄生的2种线虫的冷冻存活能力。10℃驯化7 d的5龄脐橙螟幼虫有助于提高S.feltiae线虫的致病力、侵入力、繁殖速度和产量及其冷冻存活力,提高程度较S.carpocapsae更明显。


    Abstract: In order to understand the effect of host insects from cold acclimation with different temperatures on the biological characteristics of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN),we conducted a laboratory experiment and investigated the mortality,infection rate,reproduction ability and survival rate of EPN to different temperatures acclimation insects.The results showed that Steinernema carpocapsae had no significant influence on the mortality rates for the fifth stage of larva of Amyelois transitella (Walker) acclimatized with four temperatures (10 ℃,15 ℃,20 ℃ and 25 ℃) for 7 days.However,S.feltiae resulted in significantly greater mortality rate for the fifth stage larva with 10 ℃ cold acclimation (96.7%) than that with 25 ℃ acclimation (81.4%).The infection rates of S.carpocapsae and S.feltiae to the insects with 10 ℃ cold acclimation were 49.3% and 39.7%,respectively,significantly greater than those with 25 ℃ acclimation (26% and 24%,respectively).With the decreased temperatures,proportion of host insect with EPN emergence showed an increasing trend and greater increase was found in S.feltiae than that of S.carpocapsae.The reproduction rate of EPNs inside the insects treated with 10 ℃ cold acclimation was greater than that of acclimatized at 25 ℃ and the increasing reproduction rate of S.feltiae was higher than that of S.carpocapsae.The cold acclimation of the host could increase the frozen survival ability of EPN.Acclimation at the fifth stage larva of navel orangeworm at 10 ℃ for 7d was greater in enhancing the virulence,infection,reproduction rate,yield and frozen survival of S.feltiae,than those of S.carpocapsae.


