
Construction of Heilongjiang soil species database-based on the second national soil survey

  • 摘要: 本数据库是在全国第二次土壤普查黑龙江土种志,黑龙江土壤,中国土壤,中国土种志等数据和资料的基础上,根据E-R数据模型的理论构建的关系型数据库,实现了数据库存贮和查询等功能。数据库包含黑龙江省63个市县,17个土类,48个亚类,127个土属和254个土种的数据资源,描述了土种的分布、面积、属性及生产性能,以及每个土种的典型剖面。该数据库可为黑土区域土壤肥力评价、土壤质量评价以及土壤资源可持续利用提供数据支持。


    Abstract: The soil species database of Heilongjiang Province was constructed based on the Heilongjiang soil species,Heilongjiang soil,China soil,China soil records of the second national soil survey.The E-R data model was built in the database,and database managements were realized.The database includes 63 counties and cities,17 soil types,48 soil subtypes,127 soil genus and 254 soil species,and the typical profile of each soil species.Distribution of soil species,area,attribution and production ability are recorded.This database can provide important data resources to support soil nutrient evaluation,soil quality evaluation and sustainable utilization of soil resources.


