
Research on herbicide phytotoxicity prevention and remedy approaches

  • 摘要: 化学除草剂的不合理使用会造成除草剂药害频繁发生,影响作物生长,降低产量,威胁食品安全,破坏生态平衡。本文综述了近年来预防和消减除草剂药害的几种有效措施,评述了各种措施的研究进展和局限性,展望了未来智能除草的发展方向。除草剂复混使用可以扩大杀草谱,减少长效残留除草剂的使用剂量,但有时也会产生拮抗作用。添加生物炭可以有效吸附土壤中残留的除草剂,但是否会对土壤和生态环境造成危害仍不确定。添加腐植酸可以有效减少除草剂残留和提高除草剂药效。施加安全剂等助剂可以保护作物种子、增强作物抗性和减少作物药害。生物除草剂能在消灭杂草的同时减少抗性杂草的出现,但研发应用任重道远。微生物降解残留除草剂受微生物种类和环境因素影响较大。抗性品种培育可以减少除草剂使用,但基因手段的安全性问题仍然备受争议。智能除草方式可以定时、定量、定位消灭杂草,提高作物安全性,减少除草剂污染。


    Abstract: The irrational use of chemical herbicides leads to various serious phytotoxicity,affecting crop growth and reducing crop yield,which not only threatens global food security,but also destroyes ecological environmental balance.In this paper,we reviewed several effective approaches in preventing and remedying phytotoxicity,discussed the research advances and limitations,and prosposed the future development of intelligent weeding.We concluded that,herbicides mixtures would be very effective in eliminating various weeds and reducing the amount of long-lasting residual herbicides,while sometimes antagonism effects would happen.As an adsorbent,the biochar use would efficiently control the migration and leaching of herbicides in Soils,but the harmful effect on soil and ecological environment was still uncertain.Adding humic acid to soil would reduce the herbicides residues and enhance the herbicide efficacy on crops.Auxiliaries such as safeners would protect crop seeds,enhance crop resistance and reduce crop phytotoxicity.Bio-herbicides would control weed populations and prevent herbicide-resistant weed development without degrading the environment,but their research and application still had a long way to go.Microbial degradation of residual herbicides was greatly affected by microbial species and environmental factors.The cultivation of herbicide-resistant varieties would reduce the use of herbicides,but the safety of genetic means remained controversial.The intelligent weeding method would regularly and quantitatively eliminate weeds,improve crop safety and reduce herbicide pollution.


