
Effects of soil freezing-thawing on plant eco-physiological characteristics

  • 摘要: 土壤冻融作用是指由于土壤温度变化而出现的反复冻结和解冻过程,是季节性冻土区和多年冻土区常见的自然现象。冻融作用不仅会影响土壤理化性质、生物地球化学循环,而且还会通过生境胁迫或土壤环境改变影响植物的生理生态过程,从而可能对冻土广泛分布地区的植被生态系统生产力产生重要影响。本文分别论述了土壤冻融作用对植物生理生态的直接和间接影响,总结了不同气候环境条件下植物物候、光合作用、细胞膜和渗透调节物质、生产力和和群落组成、根系生长等的生理生态表现,并对目前土壤冻融与植物生理生态领域存在的不足进行了分析。提出应加强冻融作用对植物生理生态的长期影响研究,并从分子生物学角度探讨其机理等研究冻融胁迫对植物影响的建议。


    Abstract: Soil freezing-thawing refers to the repeated freezing and thawing process due to the change of soil temperature,which is a common natural phenomenon in seasonal frozen soil areas and permafrost regions.Freezing-thawing affects not only soil physical and chemical properties and biogeochemical cycles,but also the physiological and ecological processes of plants due to habitat stress or indirect soil environment change,which may impact the productivity of vegetation in freezing-thawing soils.In this paper,we mainly reviewed the direct and indirect effects of soil freezing-thawing on plant eco-physiological characteristics,and summarized the aspects of plant phenology,photosynthesis,cell membrane,osmotic regulating substances,productivity,community composition,and root growth under different climatic conditions.Moreover,we analyzed the current problems of soil freezing-thawing on plant eco-physiological characteristics.Finally,we proposed that future research should focus on strengthening the long-term field experiments in understanding the responses of plant eco-physiological characteristics to freezing-thawing processes and its mechanism at molecular level.


