
An optimal irrigation-fertilization approach and planting patterns for Sorghum bicolor “JinTian No.1” in irrigated desert oasis

  • 摘要: 为了研究沙荒地糖用型甜高粱"近甜1号"(BJ0601)适应性以及探索其栽培技术,在河西走廊荒漠绿洲灌区开展了"近甜1号"甜高粱平地覆膜不同灌水量(4~8次,播前600 t·hm-2,生育期1 200 t·hm-2·次-1)和施肥量(苗期施尿素150 kg·hm-2作为基肥,生育期设置低、中和高3种施复合肥N-P2O5-K2O处理,即分别为225 kg·hm-2、450 kg·hm-2和675 kg·hm-2)耦合试验,并找出最佳的水肥需求条件;在此基础上探讨了栽培措施(平地/垄沟覆膜)和种植方式(1株·穴-1、2株·穴-1和3株·穴-1)对甜高粱生长发育、生物产量、茎秆含糖量、种子产量和质量等的影响。结果表明:甜高粱对沙荒地具有很强的适应性,灌水量为7 800 t·hm-2(播前600 t·hm-2,生育期7 200 t·hm-2)、施肥量为600 kg·hm-2(苗期施尿素150 kg·hm-2,生育期施复合肥450 kg·hm-2)是甜高粱平地覆膜获得高产的最佳水肥耦合条件,可使其地上生物产量鲜重和干重达80.7 t·hm-2和28.2 t·hm-2,茎秆可溶性糖含量达30%以上,籽粒产量达2 053 kg·hm-2,本区域甜高粱全生育期的灌溉极限阈值为4 800 t·hm-2,高/低水肥均不利于甜高粱生物产量和种子产量的提高。在最佳水肥耦合条件下,合理的耕作措施和种植方式更有利于甜高粱生物产量、茎秆含糖量和种子产量的提高;且与平地覆膜种植方式相比,垄沟作种植效果更为明显。以最佳水肥耦合条件为标准,甜高粱平地覆膜高产栽培收获茎秆、种子、茎秆和种子双收应分别采取的株距×行距为:23 cm×40 cm的2株·穴-1、1株·穴-1和1株·穴-1栽培模式;垄沟覆膜高产栽培应采取株距×垄宽×垄高为:23 cm×30 cm×25 cm的2株·穴-1、1株·穴-1和1株·穴-1栽培模式。平地覆膜和垄沟覆膜的栽培技术模式能够在荒漠绿洲灌区沙荒地推广,具有广泛的应用前景。


    Abstract: Aiming at exploring the adaptability and cultivation approach of Sorghum bicolor "JinTian No. 1" (JINTIAN) in irrigated desert oasis of Hexi Corridor,we conducted a field experiment with different irrigations (4-8 times,600 t·hm-2 before sowing,1 200 t·hm-2·time-1 during growing season) and fertilizations(150 kg·hm-2 urea as basal fertilizer at seedling stage,and the low-,medium-and high-rates of fertilizer,i.e. 225,450,675 kg·hm-2 of N-P2O5-K2O during other growing stages) to investigate an optimal irrigation-fertilization approach,and access the effects of cultivation modules (mulching on flat ground and furrow mulching) and sowing patterns (one plant·hole-1,2 plants·hole-1and 3 plants·hole-1) on the plant growth,biomass,sugar content of stalk,seed yield and quality of JinTian. The results showed that JinTian was with strong adaptability to sandy wasteland. The treatment with irrigation at 7 800 t·hm-2 (600 t·hm-2 before sowing and 7 200 t·hm-2 during growing period) and fertilization rate at 600 kg·hm-2 (150 kg·hm-2 urea at seedling stage,450 kg·hm-2 compound fertilizer during other growing stages) was the optimal water-fertilizer coupling condition for high yield of JinTian mulched with plastic film on flat land,by which the fresh and dry weight of aboveground biomass reached 80.7 t·hm-2 and 28.2 t·hm-2,respectively. The content of soluble sugar in stem increased by more than 30% and the seed yield reached 2 053 kg·hm-2,respectively. The irrigation threshold for the whole growth period of JinTian was 4 800 t·hm-2 in irrigation regions of Hexi Corridor,and the high or low water combined with fertilizer application was not practicable to the improvement of biomass and seed yield. With the optimal water-fertilizer coupling condition,the reasonable tillage and planting methods benefited more to the biomass,stem sugar content and seed yield of sweet sorghum.Compared with mulching on flat ground,furrow mulching had more obvious effects on high yield and high quality.Based on the optimal water-fertilizer coupling condition,the planting patterns of 2 plant·hole-1,1 plant·hole-1 was recommended for harvesting stems,seeds while 1 plant·hole-1 was recommended for both stem and seed harvest in sweet sorghum with mulching on flat ground (plant spacing:23 cm;row spacing:40 cm).With furrow mulching (plant spacing:23 cm;ridge width:30 cm;ridge height:25 cm),the planting modes of 2 plant·hole-1,1 plant·hole-1 and 1 plant·hole-1would be recommended for the above respective harvests. The mulching on flat ground and furrow mulching high-yielding cultivation approaches would be extensively applied in irrigated desert oasis of Hexi Corridor.


