Excessive fertilization has negative influence on yield and quality of barley Ganpi No.7
摘要: 以啤酒大麦甘啤7号为参试品种,在甘肃省黄羊镇进行两年试验,设置4个施肥处理:分别为A (N 285 kg·hm-2+P2O5 285 kg·hm-2)、B (N 240 kg·hm-2+P2O5 240 kg·hm-2)、C (N 195 kg·hm-2+P2O5 195 kg·hm-2)和当地常规施肥处理D (N 150 kg·hm-2+P2O5150 kg·hm-2),其中处理D为对照,研究了施肥量对优质高产啤酒大麦甘啤7号产量、品质和肥料利用率的影响。结果表明,随着施肥量增加,产量除了处理C较对照增产(增幅仅为1.34%)外,其余处理均减产,而且随着施肥量增加减产幅度增大,籽粒蛋白质含量升高、千粒重和饱满度(腹径 ≥ 2.5 mm)降低;氮素农学效率和氮肥偏生产力均降低。增量施肥不利于产量形成,降低了肥料的利用率。因此,优化施肥,控制肥料的零增长是实现甘啤7号高产优质的主要途径。Abstract: Aiming to understand the effects of fertiliziation amounts on the yield,quality and fertilizer utilization rate in malting barley Ganpi No.7,in Huangyang town of Gansu province,we conducted a two-year experiment with four fertilization treatments:A(N 285 kg·hm-2+P2O5 285 kg·hm-2),B(N 240 kg·hm-2+P2O5 240 kg·hm-2),C(N 195 kg·hm-2+P2O5 195 kg·hm-2) and D(N 150 kg·hm-2+P2O5 150 kg·hm-2,the local conventional fertilization as a control).The results showed that,compared with the control,the yield of treatment C increased while that of other treatments decreased,and the yield decreased with the increase of fertilization amount; the quality of three treatments was inferior to the control,and protein content of grain rose while 1000-seed weight and plumpness (abdominal diameter ≥ 2.5 mm) reduced with the increase of fertilization amount; the nitrogen agronomy efficiency and the nitrogen partial productivity decreased with the increase of fertilization amount.Increasing fertilization was negative to the yield formation and reduced the utilization rate.Therefore,optimizing fertilization and zero fertilization increase would be the main ways to achieve high quality and high yield of Ganpi No.7.