
Lonicera caerulea germplasm resources and its application in breeding

  • 摘要: 对引进的50份俄罗斯蓝靛果(Lonicera caerulea L.var.edulis Turcz.ex Herd.)品种资源主要经济性状进行了分析,其中,50%的材料果实烟酸含量超过8 mg·g-1,90%的品种维生素C (VC)含量超过0.2 mg·g-1,98%的品种花青素含量超过6 mg·g-1,92%的品种糖含量大于6%,72%的品种酸含量1.5%~2.5%。通过杂交选育,培育出无苦味、大果型蓝靛果材料(L3-2和L4-2),并对其主要经济性状指标进行了评价。结果表明,L3-2单果重、单株产量、维生素C、烟酸和含糖量比勃利野生蓝靛果分别提高1.4、7.6、2.5、1.6和6.4倍;L4-2的以上指标分别提高2.0、8.2、2.2、1.4和5.5倍。新培育的材料(L3-2和L4-2)具有较好的经济性状,同时为蓝靛果新品种的培育提供了优良的种质材料。


    Abstract: The phenotypic traits and quality traits of 50 Lonicera caerulea varieties from Russia were investigated.Among the 50 varieties,50% had nicotinic acid content higher than 8 mg·g-1,90% had vitamin C(VC) content higher than 0.2 mg·g-1,98% had anthocyanin content higher than 6 mg·g-1,92% had sugar content higher than 6%,and 72% had total acid content in the range of 1.5~2.5%.By crossbreeding,two big fruit lines (L3-2 and L4-2) without bitterness were developed,and their economic performance indices were examined.Compared with wild species,the fruit weight,yield per plant,content of VC,nicotinic acid and sugar for L3-2 was 1.4,7.6,2.5,1.6 and 6.4 times greater,and 2.0,8.2,2.2,1.4,and 5.5 times greater for L4-2 respectively.


