
Interactive effects of tillage practices and cropping systems on the interannual variation of soil carbon,nitrogen content and corn yield in Mollisols

  • 摘要: 土壤有机碳(SOC)及全氮(TN)是评价土壤肥力的重要指标。阐明耕作方式和种植模式对土壤碳氮水平的综合效应,进而明晰作物产量的响应,可为土壤培肥、增产增收提供理论依据和技术支撑。本研究基于东北黑土区保护性耕作长期定位试验(始于2001年),探究长期免耕玉米连作(NTCC)、秋翻玉米连作(MPCC)、免耕玉米-大豆轮作(NTCS)、秋翻玉米-大豆轮作(MPCS)四种处理对黑土碳氮含量以及作物产量年际变化的影响。结果表明:(1)随着耕作年限增加,NTCC和NTCS处理显著增加0~10 cm土层SOC和TN含量;10~20 cm土层SOC、TN含量变化在4个处理下呈先减少后增加的趋势;20~30 cm土层SOC、TN含量没有明显的年际变化;(2)与2001年初始碳氮储量相比,无论是玉米连作还是玉米-大豆轮作,免耕处理土壤碳氮储量均显著增加,且NTCC处理的土壤碳、氮储量最高,分别为75.7 Mg (C)·hm-2、7.0 Mg (N)·hm-2,较传统耕作分别显著增加18.6%和20.4%;(3)土壤碳氮比(C/N)随着耕作年限增加而逐渐降低,其中NTCC处理的年平均C/N最低;(4)实施16年后NTCS处理玉米年平均产量最高,达10 111 kg·hm-2,其他3个处理间玉米产量无显著差异。0~20 cm土层的SOC、TN含量、C/N与玉米产量均没有显著的相关关系。综上所述,对质地黏重的中层黑土,免耕玉米-大豆轮作促进了玉米增产,较传统耕作有助于促进土壤碳、氮固定,是东北黑土区适宜的耕作措施,有关土壤碳氮的固定能力的提升的机制尚待进一步研究。


    Abstract: Soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN) are important indicators of soil fertility.Clarifying the impacts of tillage practices and cropping systems on soil carbon and nitrogen levels,thereby crop yields,is beneficial to the enhancements of soil fertility and crop production.A long-term soil conservation experiment was established in Mollisols of Northeast China in 2001.There were four treatments in the experiment,they were:no tillage with continuous corn(NTCC),mouldboard plow with continuous corn(MPCC),no tillage with corn-soybean rotation(NTCS) and mouldboard plow with corn-soybean rotation(MPCS).Under long-term tillage practices combined with crop rotations,the interannual variation of soil carbon and nitrogen contents,and crop yields were investigated.The results showed that with years increasing,NTCC and NTCS treatments significantly increased both SOC and TN contents in 0-10 cm of soil layer; the SOC,TN contents in 10-20cm of soil layer initially decreased and then increased gradually; and the SOC and TN contents in 20-30 cm of soil layer did not change much over time; Compared with the initial storage of carbon and nitrogen in 2001,the carbon and nitrogen storage increased by 20.4% with continuous corn and 18.6% by corn-soybean rotation under the no-tillage treatment,respectively.The NTCC treatment resulted in the highest carbon and nitrogen storage(75.7 and 7.02 Mg·hm-2).Soil carbon and nitrogen ratio(C/N) decreased gradually over several years of tillage.The lowest average C/N was observed in the NTCC treatment.The NTCS treatment resulted in the highest average yield(10 111 kg·hm-2) during 16 years,and there was no significant difference among the other three treatments.There were no significant correlations between SOC,TN contents,C/N and corn yields in 0-20 cm of soil layer.The NTCS treatment increased corn yield,and promoted soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration compared with conventional tillage.Further study on enhancing its capacity of carbon and nitrogen sequestration is needed.


