
Responses of soil microbial activities and biomass to drying and wetting-A review

  • 摘要: 干湿交替是土壤时常经历的一种最普通和频繁的自然过程,主要由降雨在时间上的分布不均所引起,可导致土壤发生物理、化学和生物学变化,从而对土壤团聚体的形成、有机质的分解、土壤生产力和土壤碳氮循环产生重要的影响。土壤微生物是驱动地球元素循环的"发动机",是连接大气圈、水圈、岩石圈及生物圈物质和能量交换的重要纽带,更是土壤生态系统的核心。明确干湿交替对土壤微生物的响应及其对土壤碳氮矿化过程的影响,对于准确预测农田生态系统碳氮循环对未来气候变化的响应和反馈具有重要意义。本文总结了微生物对干湿交替的响应及其对土壤碳氮矿化的影响,提出今后应综合应用高通量测序平台和分子生物学技术,研究不同土壤与气候条件下干湿交替对土壤微生物活性影响,获取土壤中参与土壤碳氮循环过程的微生物群落特征信息。


    Abstract: Soils are frequently exposed to drying and wetting (DRW) events,which dramatically affects the biological and structural properties of soil and consequently influences the transformation of nutrient,the formation of soil aggregation,the decomposition of soil organic matter,the productivity of soil and the cycling of soil carbon or nitrogen.Soil microbial activities and biomass are essential to soil nutrient transformation and elements cycling processes,their responses to DRW and mediated carbon or nitrogen cycling processes are crucial to predict the response and feedback of carbon or nitrogen cycling processes in agroecosystem under future climate change conditions.In this paper,we reviewed the response of microbial communities to DRW and their effects on carbon or nitrogen mineralization.Future research should focus on the effects of DRW on microbial properties under typical soils and climate.The application of illumina high-throughput sequencing and molecular biological techniques would help us get more information on gene levels in soil carbon or nitrogen cycling under DRW.


