
The effect of organic fertilizer replacing chemical fertilizer on nitrogen and phosphorus translocation in dryland oil flax(Linum usitatissimum L.)

  • 摘要: 通过田间试验,研究了不同比例有机肥替代化肥对旱地胡麻植株养分运移规律及其产量形成的影响。结果表明:不同施肥处理的胡麻,植株茎叶中氮、磷积累量存在不同程度的差异,胡麻全生育期各处理植株茎叶氮、磷积累量呈先增后减的变化趋势。其中,90%福瑞年土壤调理剂替代化肥(F9)处理的胡麻盛花期和成熟期叶片氮含量分别较单施化肥(F1)处理显著增加13.6%和50.9%,磷含量显著增加了32.2%和32.9%%,且该处理能有效增加现蕾-成熟期胡麻茎秆氮素含量,而90%的肉蛋白生物有机肥替代化肥(F8)处理对盛花-成熟期胡麻的茎秆磷素含量增加效果显著。旱地胡麻氮、磷素收获指数均在90%福瑞年土壤调理剂替代化肥(F9)处理下最大,且在该处理下单位面积胡麻籽粒产量较单施化肥(F1)处理显著增加3.5%。90%福瑞年土壤调理剂替代化肥有利于促进胡麻植株对于养分的吸收和积累,增加胡麻籽粒产量,是当地胡麻生产中比较适宜的有机肥替代化肥比例。


    Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of different organic fertilizers replacing chemical fertilizers on nutrient translocation and yield components of dryland oil flax in Gansu Province.The results showed that the accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in the stems and leaves varied with different fertilization treatments,presenting a trend that increased first and then decreased during the whole growth period.The nitrogen content in leaves with the treatment of 90% furuinian soil conditioner instead of chemical fertilizer(F9) increased significantly by 13.6% and 50.9% at kernel and mature stage,respectively,and phosphorus content increased by 32.2% and 32.9%,compared with the treatment of single fertilizer(F1).The treatment of 90% furuinian soil conditioner instead of chemical fertilizer(F9) effectively increased the nitrogen content of flax stem at the budding-mature stage,while the treatment of 90% meat protein bio-organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer(F8) had a significant effect on increasing stem phosphorus content from bloom-mature stage.The nitrogen and phosphorus harvest index of dryland flax was the highest with the treatment of 90% furuinian soil conditioner instead of chemical fertilizer(F9),and the grain yield per unit area of flax was significantly increased by 3.5% compared with the treatment of single fertilizer(F1).90% Furuinian soil conditioner instead of chemical fertilizer(F9) was beneficial to promote the absorption and accumulation of nutrients in flax plant,and increased the yield of oil flax,which would be a more appropriate proportion of organic fertilizer to replace chemical fertilizer in local flax production.


