
Theory and practices of Indian bunding technology-graded bunds

  • 摘要: 地埂是世界范围内应用的一项低成本防止水土流失的工程措施。比降地埂是地埂技术的主要类型,它以预先确定的纵向坡度沿着比降等高线来修建,以便将径流水排出径流区。作为最早广泛应用地埂技术的国家之一,印度的地埂技术相对完善。本文介绍了印度比降地埂的特点、适应性和主要应用区域,重点阐述了比降地埂埂高、横截面积、土方工程量及成本等重要参数的计算方法,并通过实例演示了参数的计算过程,同时还简要介绍了田间施工操作要点和注意事项,期待对我国今后地埂技术的设计和推广应用有所启发和推动。


    Abstract: Bund is a low-cost engineering measure used worldwide to prevent soil erosion.Graded bund is the main type of bunding technology,which is built on a graded contour line with a pre-determined longitudinal grade in order to discharge runoff water from this area.As one of the earliest countries widely using the bunding technology,India's bunding technology is relatively perfect.This paper introduced the characteristics,applicability,the main application areas of graded bunds in India,expounded the computation method of important parameters such as height and cross-sectional area of graded bund,volume of earthwork and cost of construction; in addition,demonstrated the calculation process of parameters through practical case; and also briefly introduced operating hints and points for attention in field construction,which would be expected to enlighten and promote the design and extension of the bund technology in China in the future.


