
Distribution and property analysis of low-grade cultivated land in Jilin Province

  • 摘要: 本文在吉林省耕地质量评价基础上,分析了低等级耕地(七等地、八等地、九等地、十等地)的分布情况,并采用分类汇总的方法,对各障碍因素的概念型评价指标和数值型评价指标进行探讨,结果表明:吉林省低等级耕地面积为157.7万hm2,主要障碍因素是盐碱、酸化、瘠薄、障碍层次和渍潜。其中,盐碱面积最大,占低等级耕地面积的54.34%,主要分布在白城市和松原市等平原地区,pH平均值最高,为8.34,有效磷平均含量最低,为10.1 mg · kg-1。其次为酸化,占低等级耕地面积16.93%,主要分布在吉林市和通化市等山地丘陵区,pH平均值最低,为5.21。瘠薄占低等级耕地面积15.79%,有机质平均含量最低,为17.1 g · kg-1。有障碍层次占低等级耕地面积11.79%,有效土层厚度平均值最小,为49 cm。渍潜占低等级耕地面积0.89%,有机质平均含量最高,为36.4 g · kg-1


    Abstract: Based on the quality evaluation of cultivated land in Jilin Province, we studied the distribution of low-grade cultivated land (including seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth grades of lands), and analyzed the conceptual evaluation index and numerical evaluation index of all obstacle factors using the method of classification and summary.The results showed that the area of the lower-grade cultivated land was 1.577 million hectares in Jilin Province, and main obstacles included saline-alkalization, acidification, poor fertility, barrier layers, and gleization.Among them, the area of salt-alkali land was the largest, which accounted for 54.34% of the total and was mainly distributed in Baicheng, Songyuan and other plain regions, with the highest average value of pH(8.34) and the lowlest average value of available phosphorus content(10.1 mg · kg-1).The area of acidification land accounted for 16.93% of the total, and was mainly distributed in Jilin, Tonghua and mountainous and hilly regions, with the lowest average value of pH(5.21).The barren land accounted for 15.79% of the total, with the lowest average value of organic matter content(17.1 g · kg-1).The barrier layers land accounted for 11.79% of the total, with the smallest average value of soil layer thickness (49 cm).The gleized land accounted for 0.89% of the total, with the highest average value of organic matter content (36.4 g · kg-1).


