Aiming to understand the movement of water, salt and ions during the low salt area developement in salinity soil under drip irrigation, we analyzed the distribution characteristics of soil moisture, salinity and ions and their relationship with time by a soil column drip irrigation simulation experiment.The results showed that soil total salinity and ions moved transversely first and then longitudinally with drip irrigation.When drip irrigation time was 15 h(drip water 16.2 L / barrel), a stable elliptical ion desalination zone was formed in 0~30 cm depth region, and a salt collection area with a width of about 10 cm was formed at the edge of the desalination area.In the whole process of movement, desalination rate at 0~20 cm surface soil layer was in an order of Cl
- > Na
+ > total salinity > SO
42- > Mg
2 > HCO
3- > Ca
2+ > K
+.At the same time, the functional relationship between the concentration of total salt, Cl
+ and drip irrigation time was more consistent with the reciprocal model.After drip irrigation, the soil salt type in the desalination area changed from sulfate-chloride type to chloride-sulfate type.