Soil organic matter contents and fertilization are important factors affecting microbial community structure in Mollisols, but it is difficult to determine the impact of organic matter content or fertilization on soil microbial community due to different climates.In this study, five Mollisols with different organic matter contents(SOM1.7、SOM3、SOM5、SOM6、SOM11) were moved to a same climate condition by establishing the long-term experiment of Mollisols productivity.By analyzing phospholipid fatty acid(PLFA), the effects of organic matter content and fertilization on the microbial community structure in Mollisols were studied.The results showed that the total PLFAs in the five Mollisols ranged from 10.6 to 31.5 nmol · g
-1, the bacterial PLFAs ranged from 6.23 to 18.4 nmol · g
-1, and fungal PLFAs ranged from 1.78 to 4.57 nmol · g
-1, respectively.The increase of soil organic matter contents and fertilization significantly increased the total microbial biomass, bacterial biomass and fungal biomass, while fertilization and organic matter contents had no significant effect on the fungi/bacteria ratio.The results of non-metric multidimensional scale analysis(NMDS) showed that organic matter contents and fertilization were the important factors leading to the difference of microbial community structure, while fertilization obscured the influence of organic matter content on microbial community.