Gene regulatory networks of floral development in Papilionoideae
摘要: 植物千姿百态的花结构与其繁衍方式和生存环境密切相关,是其与传粉生物共同适应外界环境等共进化的结果。豆科植物种类众多,花型各异,为人类提供了丰富的食物和生活资源。蝶形花亚科作为豆科最大的亚科,与拟南芥等模式植物不同,蝶形花亚科植物存在复合花序、共同原基和不同对称性的花器官等复杂和精巧的结构及发育过程,为研究植物花发育的分子机制提供了丰富的材料。本文以当前研究比较深入的蝶形花亚科植物大豆、豌豆、蒺藜苜蓿和百脉根为例,介绍了豆科蝶形花亚科植物的花发育过程,重点总结了花分生组织属性决定、花序发育、花器官属性的决定和花型发育的基因调控网络,以期为豆科花发育研究和改良提供理论依据。Abstract:
The various floral structures of plants are attributed to their styles of procreation and living environment, which are the results of their coevolution with pollinators to adapt to the external environment.Leguminous plants exhibit different flower types and provide abundant food and living resources for human beings.As the largest subfamily of Leguminosae, Papilionoideae plants display more sophisticated procedures and structures than Arabidopsis, such as compound inflorescence, common primordium and asymmetrical floral organs, so this subfamily possesses plenty of floral variations for the study of floral development.In this paper, we surveyed the progress of floral development in Papilionoideae through four representative plants, Glycine max, Pisum sativum, Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicas, and summarized the gene regulatory networks of floral meristem identity, inflorescence, floral organ identity and floral symmetry.This work would provide theoretical basis for a comprehensive understanding of floral development and improvement in Leguminosae.