
Comparative analysis on bud patches quality and bud grafting efficacy in rubber green buddings with different leaf-umbrellas

  • 摘要: 芽接是橡胶树常用的无性繁殖方法,芽条是芽接苗的主要组成部分,而用于芽接的芽片质量及芽接效果尚不明确。本研究采取叶蓬物候稳定的5蓬叶芽条作为芽接材料,观测橡胶树不同叶蓬的芽片对小苗芽接成活率及生长势的影响。结果表明:橡胶树5蓬叶的芽条中,第2蓬叶的芽眼数、可用芽片、有效芽片利用率及芽接成活率最高,是进行小苗芽接的最优选择;第1蓬叶、第3蓬叶和第4蓬叶芽片的芽接成活率均达到95%以上,可作为次选;第5蓬叶的抽芽率高达97%、接穗生长势也较好,可择优选择利用。芽接工的芽接技术娴熟程度是影响橡胶树小苗芽接成活率的关键因素,但对接穗的生长势影响不明显。用于橡胶树小苗芽接的芽片所处叶蓬的位置不同,其芽接成活率、接穗的抽芽率、苗木出圃率及小苗芽接苗生长势均存在差异,且随着接穗叶蓬的抽生,处于顶端叶蓬的芽片芽接的小苗芽接苗的接穗株高、茎粗、叶蓬距显现出生长优势。因此,橡胶树小苗芽接不同叶蓬的芽片质量和芽接效果存在着生位置上的差异。


    Abstract: Bud grafting is a common asexual propagation method in rubber trees.Budding stick is the main component of budding seedlings, but the quality of bud patches and effect of bud grafting are still not clear.In this experiment, we used the bud sticks from the five leaf-umbrellas with stable phenology as budding materials, and analyzed the effects of bud patches from different leaf-umbrellas on the bud grafting survival rate and growth potential of green buddings in rubber trees.The results showed that among the bud sticks from the five leaf-umbrellas, the second leaf-umbrella had the highest bud eyes, available bud patches, effective bud patches utilization rate and the budding survival rate, and was the best choice for the green buddings.The budding survival rates in the first, the third and the fourth leaf-umbrellas bud patches were more than 95% and could be an alternative selection.The fifth leaf-umbrellas demonstrated a better sprouting rate of up to 97% and scion growth potential, and was also an option to be used.The performance of budding technician was the key factor affecting the survival rate of rubber green buddings, but had no effect on the growth potential of the scion.The bud patches located at different positions for bud grafting of rubber green buddings had different survival rate of buds, the sprouting rate of scion, the seedlings out of the nursery rate, and the growth potential of buddings.With the leaf-umbrellas sprouting from green buddings, the grafting bud patches of the top leaf-umbrellas exhibited advantageous growth potentials in plant height, stem diameter, and the distance between two leaf-umbrellas.Therefore, significant differences exist for the bud patches quality and bud grafting efficacy in rubber green budding from different leaf-umbrellas positions.


