Zinc is an essential trace element for potato growth.Using potato variety"Tianshu11", we studied the effects of foliar spraying(0, 4.5, and 9.0 kg·hm
-2 EDTA-Zn) and seed dressing(0 and 1 g(ZnSO
-1 seeded potato) on potato growth, development and quality.The results showed that seed dressing(1 g(ZnSO
-1 seeded potato) promotes early flowering but delayed maturity, which thus prolonged the growth period of potato.Seed dressing increased potato yield per plant, ratios of large and medium potato distribution of tuber number and tuber weight, plant height and main stem number, as well as dry matter, starch, vitamin C, Zn content and potato yields.Foliar spraying Zn fertilizer 4.5 and 9.0 kg· hm
-2 improved the economic characteristics, yield and quality of potato, and 4.5 kg·hm
-2 of Zn fertilizer was with better effect.The potato yield of zinc fertilizer seed dressing was significantly higher than that of no seed dressing.The highest yield was obtained by spraying 4.5 kg·hm
-2 zinc fertilizer, reaching 25 104 kg·hm
-2, and the yield increased by 4.83%~19.2%, significantly different from other treatments.1 kg·hm
-2(seed dressing) and EDTA-Zn 4.5 kg·hm
-2 spraying would promote the growth and development of potato and improve potato yield and quality in Dingxi, Gansu Province.