
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer reduction-high cultivation density-micro fertilizer increment on rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency in saline-sodic soil

  • 摘要:

    盐碱地是我国重要的战略性耕地后备资源,针对苏打盐碱地水稻种植中氮肥施用过量的问题,以东稻4号为供试材料,在改良11年的苏打盐碱地大田,研究了氮肥减施配合高密栽培和增施微肥对水稻产量及其构成因素和氮肥利用率的影响。共设置6个处理:无肥、无氮、常规种植(纯氮190 kg·hm-2+常规栽培)、低氮高密增微肥模式1(纯氮170 kg·hm-2+密植栽培+增施微肥)、低氮高密增微肥模式2(纯氮160 kg·hm-2+密植栽培+增施微肥)、低氮高密增微肥模式3(纯氮150 kg·hm-2+密植栽培+增施微肥)。研究结果表明,低氮高密增微肥可增加水稻产量4.8%~8.0%,氮肥偏生产力提高19.2%~31.1%,氮肥农学利用效率提高63.6%~133%,并进一步采用逐步回归法建立了产量预测模型。综合考虑各因素,在本试验已改良的苏打盐碱地基础上,低氮高密增微肥可兼顾水稻产量和氮肥利用率的提高,研究结果为苏打盐碱稻作区减肥节本、稳产增效奠定了理论基础。



    Saline-alkaline land is the important strategic reserve land in our country.Aiming at solving the problem of excessive nitrogen application, we planted rice variety Dongdao 4 and studied the effects of nitrogen fertilizer reduction-high density cultivation-micro-fertilizer increment mode on rice yield, yield components and nitrogen use efficiency in an 11-year ameliorating saline-sodic field.The experiment included 6 treatments: no fertilizer; no nitrogen; conventional planting (pure N190 kg·hm-2 and conventional cultivation density); nitrogen fertilizer reduction-high cultivation density-micro fertilizer increment mode1, pure N170 kg·hm-2+high cultivation density+micro fertilizers; nitrogen fertilizer reduction-high cultivation density-micro fertilizer increment mode2, pure N160 kg·hm-2+high cultivation density+micro fertilizers; nitrogen fertilizer reduction-high cultivation density-micro fertilizer increment mode3, pure N150 kg·hm-2+high cultivation density+micro fertilizers.The results showed that the modes increased the rice yield by 4.8%~8.0%.The nitrogen partial productivity was increased by 19.2%~31.1%, while the nitrogen agronomic utilization rate was increased by 63.6%~133%.A stepwise regression method was used to establish the rice yield prediction model.Considering all the factors, the nitrogen fertilizer reduction-high cultivation density-micro fertilizers increment improved the rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency based on the saline-sodic soil amelioration.The findings provide a foundation for the fertilizer reduction and cost-saving, stable yield and efficiency-increasing of rice in saline-sodic soil.


