Potential analysis of reserve cultivated land resources in the Far Eastern Russia
摘要: 粮食安全是联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)的重要内容之一。除提升单位面积产量外,深入探讨后备耕地资源的潜力对于保障全球粮食安全具有重要的现实意义。东北亚地区是中高纬度上发展相对薄弱的地方,具有较高的后备耕地资源潜力。本文选取了地形、气候、土壤3方面7个适宜性评价指标,构建了俄罗斯远东地区后备耕地适宜性评价体系,运用综合量化打分加权法和极限条件相结合的研究方法,对远东地区的后备耕地资源进行了评价分析。结果表明:(1)俄罗斯远东地区后备耕地适宜区总面积为8.0万km2,主要分布在远东地区南部的6个行政区,占评价区面积的51.7%,哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区后备耕地面积较大;(2)后备耕地适宜区相对集中,主要分布在远东南部和西南部与中国接壤的地方。研究结果对于我国粮食进口贸易的相关战略的制定等具有重要的参考价值。Abstract:
Food security is an important part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).In addition to increasing the yield per unit area, in-depth understanding the potential of reserve arable land resources has important practical significance for ensuring global food security.Northeast Asia is a relatively slow-developed region in the middle and high latitudes, but with a high potential for reserve arable land resources.This article selected suitability evaluation indicators in three aspects: terrain, climate, and soil, and constructed suitability evaluation system for the reserve cultivated land in the Far East Russia.We used a comprehensive quantitative scoring and weighting method combined with a research method of extreme conditions to analyze and evaluate the Far Eastern Russia.The results showed that: (1) The total area of suitable reserved arable land was 8×104 km2, which was mainly distributed in 6 administrative regions in the southern part of the Far Eastern Russia, and accounted for 51.7% of the evaluation area.The reserved arable land area in Khabarovsk Krai was relatively large.(2) Suitable areas for reserve arable land were relatively concentrated and mainly in the southern and southwestern parts of the evaluation area bordering China.The overall suitability of reserve arable land resources in the Far Eastern Russia was relatively high.The analysis of the potential of reserve arable land resources in the Far Eastern Russia provides an important reference value for developing relevant strategies of China's grain import trade.