An analysis on research trend of soil aggregates based on CNKI in the past 30 years
为了分析我国科技工作者发表在国内期刊有关土壤团聚体研究的主要成果,使用CNKI中国学术期刊网络出版总库高级检索功能对团聚体/土壤团聚体进行检索,时间跨度设定为1990-2019年,并利用CNKI的计量可视化分析功能对检索结果进行了分析。通过年度发文量来看,我国关于土壤团聚体的研究分为两个阶段:1990-2004年为缓慢发展阶段;2005-2019年为快速发展阶段。通过统计研究机构和作者发文量关系显示,西北农林科技大学和南京农业大学拥有较强的研究实力。文章引用率显示中国科学院系统的科研单位发表的文章平均引用率最高,说明中国科学院系统科研单位的研究水平较高。分析土壤团聚体相关研究主题和关键词发现,围绕土壤有机质、土壤肥力、农艺措施和土壤物理属性的研究始终是我国学者开展土壤团聚体研究的重要主题,且保持快速增加趋势。与基于Web of Sciences文献计量分析的核心研究内容一致。而针对土地利用方式和土壤侵蚀与团聚体关系方面的研究近些年呈下降趋势,最值得关注的是针对土壤改良和土壤微生物的研究在2015-2019年呈爆发式增长。总体而言,在土壤团聚体的研究中围绕土壤有机质/碳的研究始终是最重要的主题,同时土壤团聚体的研究也开始转向环境和生态科学领域,土壤改良和土壤团聚体的生物学过程逐渐成为土壤团聚体研究的新热点。
Abstract:In order to analyze the research progress on soil aggregates published in Chinese journals, the advanced retrieval function of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) was employed to retrieve related topics from 1990 to 2019.Bibliometric analysis was conducted using the metrology visual analysis function of CNKI.According to the number of publications, the research progress of soil aggregates was divided into two stages: the slow development stage from 1990 to 2004 and the rapid development stage from 2005 to 2019.According to the published papers, Northwest A&F University and Nanjing Agricultural University were with strong research forces in the field of soil aggregates.The institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) were with the highest average citation rate, indicating a relatively higher research level.The analysis of related research subjects and keywords of soil aggregates found that soil organic matter, soil fertility, agronomic practices and soil physical property were the important subjects in soil aggregates research, which showed a rapid increase trend.This trend was consistent with the core research content based on the bibliometric analysis of Web of Sciences.However, studies concerning influences of land use and soil erosion on soil aggregates showed a decline trend in recent years.Notably, the study of soil improvement and soil microorganisms presented an explosive growth in 2015-2019.In general, the research of soil organic matter/carbon remains the most important subject.Meanwhile, researches on soil aggregates related to environment and ecological science have been popular, and soil improvement and biological processes involved in soil aggregation have been a new hotspot.