Effects of vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage and plastic mulching on soil physical properties and water consumption of Codonopsis pilosula in semi-arid area
探明立式深旋耕作及地膜覆盖对西北黄土高原半干旱区种植党参土壤物理性状和耗水特征的影响,可为半干旱区党参高产栽培技术提供理论依据。采用随机区组设计,于2017年设置立式深旋40 cm覆膜(VTM)、立式深旋40 cm无覆膜(VT)、传统旋耕15 cm覆膜(RTM)和传统旋耕15 cm无覆膜(RT)4个处理,测定党参收获后0~40 cm土壤容重、饱和含水量、毛管含水量、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度和产量等指标,计算各生育阶段耗水量、耗水强度、耗水模系数、党参生长速率和耗水效率等指标,明确立式深旋耕作和覆膜对党参土壤物理性状和耗水特性的影响。结果表明:与传统旋耕相比,立式深旋耕作显著降低了0~40 cm的土壤容重,地膜覆盖条件下降低了8.7%~9.6%,无覆膜条件下降低了8.1%~9.4%;相应地显著提高了土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、饱和含水量和毛管含水量。在党参拉蔓期到块根增长期,立式深旋耕作提高0~300 cm土层土壤耗水量、耗水模系数和耗水速率,分别为6.1~8.8 mm、3.2%~8.5%和9.6%~15.2%;地膜覆盖分别提高8.1~18.4 mm、6.8%~37.1%和13.6%~45.7%。在党参苗期到结果期,立式深旋耕作提高生长速率和耗水效率分别为29.6%~75.1%和21.4%~59.8%;地膜覆盖分别提高21.6%~67.7%和16.7%~64.8%。立式深旋耕作的党参块根产量和水分利用效率分别提高21.3%~34.4%和14.1%~28.3%,地膜覆盖分别提高18.9%~31.8%和11.8%~25.7%。因此,立式深旋耕作可降低土壤容重、提高土壤饱和含水量、毛管含水量、总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度。立式深旋耕作结合覆膜可提高拉蔓期到块根增长期0~300 cm土层土壤耗水、耗水模系数和耗水速率,提高苗期到结果期党参生长效率和耗水效率,使党参块根产量和水分利用效率明显提高。所以,立式深旋耕作和覆膜结合是适宜于西北黄土高原旱地党参种植的耕作技术。
Abstract: To provide the theoretical basis for high-yield cultivating technology of Codonopsis pilosula, we investigated the effects of vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage (VRT) and plastic mulching on the soil physical properties and water consumption characteristics of Codonopsis pilosula on the semi-arid areas of the northwest Loess Plateau.In 2017, we used a randomized block design in a field experiment with four treatments: vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage for 40 cm depth (VT), VT with plastic mulching (VTM), traditional rotary tillage for 15 cm depth (RT), and RT with plastic mulching (RTM).We analyzed the soil bulk density, soil saturation moisture content, capillary moisture content, total soil porosity and soil capillary porosity in the 0~40 cm soil depth as well as tuber yield; and calculated the periodical water consumption, water consumption modulus coefficient, water consumption intensity, crop growth rate and water consumption rate.The results showed that compared with RTM and RT, VTM and VT significantly reduced the soil bulk density in the 0~40 cm soil depth by 8.7%~9.6% and 8.1%~9.4%, respectively; while VRT increased soil total soil porosity, soil capillary porosity, soil saturation moisture content and capillary moisture content.The vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage increased periodical water consumption, water consumption modulus coefficients and water consumption intensities by 6.1~8.8 mm, 3.2%~8.5% and 9.6%~15.2%, while the plastic mulching increased these values by 8.1~18.4 mm, 6.8%~37.1% and 13.6%~45.7%, respectively.Compared with traditional votary tillage and without plastic mulching treatment, the crop growth rate and water consumption rate from seedling to fruiting stage in vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage increased by 29.6%~75.1% and 21.4%~59.8%, respectively; while those of plastic mulching increased by 21.6%~67.7% and 16.7%~64.8%, respectively.The VRT increased tuber yield and WUE by 21.3%~34.4% and 14.1%~28.3%, while plastic mulching increased them by 18.9%~31.8% and 11.8%~25.7%, respectively.Therefore, vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage reduced soil bulk density, increased soil saturation moisture content, capillary moisture content, total soil porosity and soil capillary porosity.The combination of vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage and plastic mulching improved the water consumption, water consumption modulus coefficient and water consumption intensity from branching to tuber expanding stage, and increased the crop growth rate and water consumption rate from seedling to fruiting stage, significantly increasing the yield and water use efficiency of Codonopsis pilosula.The combination of vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage and plastic mulching would be the efficient planting technology of Codonopsis pilosula in the semi-arid area of northwest Loess Plateau.