Study on optimal fertilization for wide-width uniform sowing flax of irrigated land along Yellow River of central Gansu
采用田间试验研究了陇中沿黄灌区胡麻宽幅匀播条件下的肥料适宜用量。结果表明:氮磷钾配施可使宽幅匀播胡麻显著增产,增产的原因主要是增加胡麻单株分枝数和单株果数,提高单株产量。随着氮、磷、钾施用量分别由75.0 kg · hm-2、37.5 kg · hm-2和22.5 kg · hm-2增加到225.0 kg · hm-2、112.5 kg · hm-2和67.5 kg · hm-2,宽幅匀播胡麻氮、磷、钾肥料利用率分别由35.3%、26.6%和21.4%降低到15.8%、11.1%和9.5%;氮、磷、钾肥料农学效率分别由9.4 kg · kg-1、21.3 kg · kg-1、7.9 kg · kg-1降低到4.1 kg · kg-1、9.0 kg · kg-1、3.6 kg · kg-1。在N 150、P2O575和K2O 45 kg · hm-2施肥水平下,有利于实现胡麻高产(3 003 kg · hm-2),氮、磷、钾肥料利用率分别为:28.3%、17.0%和16.5%,氮、磷、钾肥料农学效率分别为7.5 kg · kg-1、13.5 kg · kg-1和5.9 kg · kg-1。宽幅匀播胡麻氮、磷、钾缺素区相对产量分别为62.0%、66.2%和91.1%,氮、磷、钾施肥依从度分别为38.0%、33.8%和8.9%,表明该区域缺氮、少磷、钾丰富,磷、氮养分是限制宽幅匀播胡麻生产的最主要因子。该区域宽幅匀播胡麻氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)最佳施肥量分别158.8 kg · hm-2、85.0 kg · hm-2和44.4 kg · hm-2,N∶ P2O5∶ K2O=1∶ 0.54∶ 0.28。
Abstract: Field experiment was conducted to investigate the optimal fertilization for flax under wide-width uniform sowing (WUS) in irrigation land along Yellow River of central Gansu.The results showed that, the fertilization treatment increased the fruit number per plant by increasing the branch number per plant and thus increased the yield per plant.The combination of N, P and K fertilizers significantly increased the yield of WUS flax.With the increased rate of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from 75.0 kg · hm-2, 37.5 kg · hm-2 and 22.5 kg · hm-2 to 225.0 kg · hm-2, 112.5 kg · hm-2 and 67.5 kg · hm-2, the N, P, K fertilizer use efficiency decreased from 35.3% to 15.8%, 26.6% to 11.1% and 21.4% to 9.5%, respectively; while the N, P, K fertilizer agronomic use efficiency decreased from 9.4 kg · kg-1 to 4.1 kg · kg-1, 21.3 kg · kg-1 to 9.0 kg · kg-1 and 7.9 kg · kg-1 to 3.6 kg · kg-1, respectively.As for the fertilization treatment of N 150+P2O5 75+K2O 45 kg · hm-2, the use efficiency of N, P, K fertilizer was 28.3%, 17.0% and 16.5%, while the agronomic use efficiency of N, P, K fertilizer was 7.5 kg · kg-1, 13.5 kg · kg-1 and 5.9 kg · kg-1, respectively.The relative yield in N, P and K deficiency plots was 62.0%, 66.2% and 91.1%, respectively; the compliance of N, P and K fertilizer was 38.0%, 33.8% and 8.9%, respectively, indicating that this area was deficient of nitrogen and phosphorus but rich in potassium.Phosphorus and nitrogen nutrient are the most important factors limiting the production of WUS flax.In irrigated area along Yellow River of central Gansu, the N, P and K optimal fertilizing rate of WUS flax is N 158.8, P2O5 85.0 and K2O 44.4 kg · hm-2, respectively; the ratio of N∶ P2O5∶ K2O is 1∶ 0.54∶ 0.28.