
Physicochemical properties and water holding capacity of forest soil in Liaohe upstream

  • 摘要:

    林分类型间土壤理化性质的差异一定程度上决定着森林土壤质量和水土保持功能,是土壤质量评价及森林生态功能提升的关键,然而,辽河上游尚缺乏类似研究。本研究选取该区域黑皮油松纯林、落叶松纯林、樟子松纯林、针叶混交林和针阔混交林等5种典型人工林进行野外样方调查和土壤样品采集。共测定了14个土壤理化性质指标,对不同林分进行差异比较,并综合构建土壤质量评价指标。结果表明:不同林分土壤理化性质差异显著,樟子松林土壤最大蓄水量(36.6%)、毛管持水量(34.3%)和田间持水量(34.3%)均显著高于其他林分类型,土壤物理性质最优,拥有良好的土壤孔隙性和持水能力; 黑皮油松林土壤碱解氮(85.2 mg · kg-1)、全磷(0.18 mg · kg-1)、速效磷(26.9 mg · kg-1)、总孔隙度(43.9%)和含水量(10.7%)均显著低于其他林分类型,土壤养分状况较差,肥力较差,土壤孔隙性不佳。5种林分的土壤质量指数(SQI)介于0.11~ 0.76之间,整体较低,中等土壤质量以上的占58.6%;林分间差异表现为樟子松林(0.52)>落叶松林(0.45)>黑皮油松林(0.44)>针叶混交林(0.42)>针阔混交林(0.41)。上述结论说明,基于关键种的林分土壤理化性质调整提升具有可行性,在对未来辽河上游林分土壤相关生态服务功能评价时,需要充分考虑林分差异:对于针叶树种,建议优先使用樟子松、适量使用落叶松并限制使用黑皮油松;从森林类型来讲,更提倡针阔混交林,尤其是种植松栎混交林。



    The difference in soil physicochemical properties between forest types determines forest soil quality, water and soil conservation function to a certain extent, and is the key to soil quality evaluation and forest ecological function improvement.However, similar research is still lacking in Liaohe upstream.In this study, five typical forest types including pure forest of Pinus tabulaeformis, Larix gmelinii, Pinus sylvestris, mixed coniferous forest and mixed conifer with broad leaf forest were selected to conduct field survey and soil sample collection.A total of 14 physicochemical properties were measured, the differences among different forest types were compared, and the soil quality evaluation indexes were constructed.The results showed that the soil physicochemical properties in different forest types were significantly different.The maximum moisture content (36.6%), capillary water storage capacity (34.3%) and field water holding capacity (34.3%) of Pinus sylvestris forest were significantly higher than those of other forest types.The Pinus sylvestris forest was with the best soil physical properties, and good soil porosity and water holding capacity; while for the soil of Pinus tabulaeformis forest, the alkali hydrolysable nitrogen (85.2 mg · kg-1), total phosphorus(0.18 mg · kg-1), available phosphorus (26.9 mg · kg-1), total porosity (43.9%) and water content (10.7%) were significantly lower than those of other forest types.The Pinus tabulaeformis forest was with poor soil nutrient status with poor fertility and low soil porosity.The soil quality index (SQI) values of the five forest types were relatively low, ranging from 0.11 to 0.76.Among them, 58.6% of the soil quality was medium or above, which was in the order of Pinus sylvestris forest (0.52)>Larix gmelinii forest (0.45) >Pinus tabulaeformis forest (0.44)>mixed coniferous forest (0.42)>mixed conifer with broad leaf forest (0.41).Therefore, it would be feasible to adjust and improve the physicochemical properties of forest soil based on key species.When evaluating the soil-related ecological service functions of forest types in Liaohe upstream in the future, forest types differences are needed to be fully considered.As for coniferous species, it is recommended to give priority to Pinus sylvestris, Larix gmelinii should be used appropriately and Pinus tabulaeformis should be restricted.In terms of forest types, mixed conifer and broad leaf forest are advocated, especially pine and oak mixed forests.


