In-situ remediation of cadmium-polluted aquic brown soil using different amendments
为探究不同钝化剂对潮棕壤镉(Cd)污染的原位钝化效应,选择Cd污染潮棕壤作为供试土壤,玉米为模式作物,分别用石灰、海泡石、有机肥、腐植酸和炭基蚕沙作为钝化材料,研究不同钝化剂对土壤pH和有效镉含量、玉米植株(籽粒和茎叶)Cd含量和产量的影响。结果表明:施用不同钝化剂均显著降低了土壤有效Cd含量,石灰、海泡石、炭基蚕沙、有机肥和腐殖酸使土壤中有效Cd含量分别显著降低26.1%、22.7%、21.6%、18.2%和17.0%;同时显著抑制玉米籽粒对Cd的吸收,有机肥、海泡石、石灰、炭基蚕沙和腐殖酸玉米籽粒中Cd含量比对照分别显著降低80.4%、72.5%、62.7%、49.7%和49.2%;石灰和海泡石均显著提高了土壤pH值, 分别提高了0.5和0.4个单位;与对照相比,有机肥使玉米产量提高8.51%,石灰、海泡石对玉米产量无影响。在田间自然条件下,综合考虑钝化剂的钝化效果和农作物的产量指标,以海泡石、石灰或有机肥作为Cd污染潮棕壤的农田钝化剂较好。
Abstract: Aiming to investigate the passivation effect of lime, sepiolite, organic fertilizer, humic acid, and carbon-based silkworm on cadmium-polluted aquic brown soil, we conducted a maize field experiment and analyzed the Cd contents in grains, stalk and leaves of maize, and soil pH, soil available Cd and maize yield under different amendments.The results showed that the soil available Cd contents were significantly reduced under different amendments, decreasing by 26.1%, 22.7%, 21.6%, 18.2% and 17.0% under lime, sepiolite, carbon-based silkworm sand, organic fertilizer and humic acid, respectively.The contents of Cd in maize grains under organic fertilizer, sepiolite, lime, char-based silkworm sand and humic acid decreased by 80.4%, 72.5%, 62.7%, 49.7% and 49.2% compared with the control, respectively.Soil pH increased 0.5 units and 0.4 unites under lime and sepiolite, respectively.Compared with the control, organic fertilizer increased maize yield by 8.51%.Considering field conditions as well as the passivation effect of the amendment and the crop yield, sepiolite or lime or organic fertilizer would be better amendment for Cd polluted aquic brown soil.