Research progress on molecular mechanisms of autoregulation of nodulation in legumes
豆科植物通过与土壤中的根瘤菌共生发育形成根瘤,在根瘤中根瘤菌可以将空气中氮气转化成植物可以直接利用的铵态氮。共生过程中为了平衡氮素的摄取和能量的损耗,豆科植物形成了地上与地下信号交互的结瘤自调控机制(Autoregulation of nodulation,AON),进而调节结瘤的数量。本文综述了AON分子调控机制近些年的研究进展,详述了AON通路中关键基因的功能及环境因素对AON体系的影响,包括地下信号短肽、地上受体激酶、地上长距信号(如细胞分裂素、生长素及miR2111等)及其根部F-box蛋白在AON中的作用,讨论了AON研究中部分仍待解答的问题,为结瘤自调控的相关研究提供信息和参考。
Abstract:Legumes form symbionts with rhizobia leading to the development of nitrogen fixing root nodules, while rhizobium in nodules convert nitrogen gas to ammonia for plant development.To balance nitrogen uptake and energy loss during symbiosis, legumes regulate nodule number through an autoregulation of nodulation (AON) systemic pathways.This paper reviewed the recent research progress on the molecular regulatory mechanism of AON and detailed the functions of key genes in host plants that regulate AON and the effects of environmental factors on the AON system, including the roles of underground peptide signals, aboveground receptor kinase, long distance signaling (Cytokinins, auxin and miR2111) and F-box protein in root.Some questions remained to be answered in the AON were discussed to provide information and reference for studies related to AON.