Occurrence and control of nematode diseases in potato(Solanum tuberosum L.)
近些年马铃薯土传病害发生严重,除了真菌、细菌等病原物引起的病害外,线虫病成为威胁马铃薯生产的又一大病害。危害马铃薯的植物寄生线虫主要有马铃薯腐烂茎线虫(Ditylenchus destructor)、鳞球茎线虫(Ditylenchus dipsaci)、马铃薯孢囊线虫(马铃薯白线虫(Globodera rostochiensis)和马铃薯金线虫(Globodera pallida))、根结线虫(爪哇根结线虫(Meloidogyne.javanica)和南方根结线虫(M.incognita)等)、异常珍珠线虫(Nacobbus aberrans)和根腐线虫(Pratylenchus spp.)。在我国马铃薯田有马铃薯腐烂茎线虫、爪哇根结线虫和南方根结线虫、马铃薯金线虫发生的报道,根腐线虫在玉米田有发生,马铃薯田也有发生的潜在风险。本文主要综述我国马铃薯田线虫病害的发生和分布及主要的防治措施,为病害识别和防控提供指导。
Abstract:In recent years, soil borne diseases of potato have occurred seriously.In addition to the diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and other pathogens, nematode diseases have become major diseases threatening potato production.The main plant parasitic nematodes include Ditylenchus destructor, D.dipsaci, potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G.pallida), root knot nematodes (M.javanica and M.incognita), Nacobbus aberrans and root rot nematode (Pratylenchus spp.).The occurrence of D.destructor, M.javanica and M.incognita and G.rostochiensis was reported in potato field in China.Pratylenchus spp.occurrs in corn field, but is imposing a potential risk of occurrence in potato field.In this paper, we reviewed the occurrence and distribution of the nematodes in potato fields in China and the main control measures, which would provide a guideline for disease identification and control.