
Mechanisms and benefits of straw return in mitigating black soil erosion

  • 摘要: 东北黑土区土壤侵蚀强烈发育,导致黑土地严重退化,直接威胁区域生态安全和国家粮食安全。秸秆还田是黑土区广泛采用的保护性耕作措施,具有明显的阻控土壤侵蚀、抑制土壤退化、提升退化黑土地生态生产功能的作用。本文在系统分析秸秆还田阻控细沟间、细沟、浅沟与切沟侵蚀机理,综合评价秸秆还田水土保持效应的基础上,提出了未来研究亟待加强的重点内容。秸秆还田阻控侵蚀的机理与侵蚀类型直接相关。秸秆覆盖消减降雨动能、抑制土壤物理结皮发育、维持土壤入渗性能、增加地表随机糙率、降低坡面径流流速、减小径流挟沙力和剪切力,是秸秆还田阻控细沟间和细沟侵蚀的直接作用。秸秆分解改善土壤理化性质、促进团聚体发育并提升其稳定性,引起作物生长特性变化,导致细沟间土壤可蚀性和细沟土壤可蚀性降低,土壤临界剪切力增大,是秸秆还田阻控细沟间和细沟侵蚀的间接作用。尽管秸秆还田阻控浅沟和切沟侵蚀的作用不如细沟间和细沟侵蚀那样直接,但仍可通过减小集水区径流侵蚀动力来降低浅沟和切沟发育风险。秸秆还田具有显著的水土保持效应,减流和减沙效益分别为28.0%~95.1%和40.3%~99.7%。但受不同试验条件差异的影响,研究结果可比性较差。未来亟需加强秸秆还田增加地表糙率与径流阻力、降低径流挟沙力水力学机理,土壤抗蚀性能对秸秆还田驱动土壤理化性质变化的响应机制,秸秆还田水土保持效应受土壤类型与坡度的影响及主控因素,秸秆还田阻控侵蚀的长期效应与空间分异,以及秸秆还田技术影响土壤侵蚀过程与机理等研究,为遏制黑土地退化、维持黑土区生态安全、保障国家粮食安全提供理论和技术支撑。



    Soil erosion is a serious problem in the black soil region of Northeast China leading to severe land degradation, which directly threatens both regional ecological security and national food security.Straw return is a conservational tillage measure widely applied in this region and plays an important role in mitigating soil erosion, preventing land degradation and promoting ecological and production functions of degraded black soils.In the current study, the mechanisms of straw return in mitigating interrill, rill, ephemeral gully and gully erosion were systematically analyzed, and its soil and water conservation benefits were comprehensively evaluated.The key topics for future research were proposed.The mechanisms of straw return in mitigating soil erosion are directly related to erosion type.Regarding interrill and rill erosion, the direct effects of straw mulching include alleviating raindrop kinetic energy, inhibiting soil physical crust formation, maintaining soil infiltration capacity, increasing land surface random roughness, and decreasing flow velocity, as well as sediment transport capacity and flow shear stress.The indirect effects primarily originate from straw decomposition, which includes improving soil physical and chemical properties, enhancing aggregate formation and increasing its stability, and changing crop growth characteristics.Consequently, both interrill and rill erodibilities are decreased, and the soil critical shear stress is increased.The effects of straw return on restraining ephemeral gully and gully development are not direct as that of interrill and rill erosion.Nevertheless, straw return can reduce the risk of such erosion by decreasing the erosive power of flow via reducing their drainage area.Straw return exhibits significant soil and water conservation benefits, which decreases runoff and soil losses by 28.0%-95.1% and 40.3%-99.7%, respectively.Owing to the different experimental designs, however, hardly can the corresponding results be compared directly.To alleviate soil degradation, maintain regional ecological security and ensure national food security, future research should emphasize on the hydraulic mechanisms of straw return in increasing land surface random roughness and flow friction, as well as in decreasing flow sediment transport capacity; the responses of soil erodibility to soil physical and chemical properties changes resulting from straw return; the soil and water conservation benefits of straw return among different soil types and slopes, and the controlling factors; the long-term effects of straw return in reducing soil erosion and their spatial variation; and the impacts of straw return technique on soil erosion processes and the related mechanisms.


