
Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon mineralization in different ecosystems

  • 摘要: 土壤有机碳(SOC)矿化是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要过程之一,其对全球气候变化的响应与土壤二氧化碳排放是源或者汇密切相关。明晰不同生态系统SOC矿化受温度变化的影响机制,对于预测温室气体排放,管理土壤碳平衡具有重要意义。不同生态系统SOC含量和质量显著不同,其底物的养分供应能力影响着土壤微生物的群落组成,而这些因素的交互作用通过直接或者间接生物化学过程调控土壤有机碳矿化温度敏感性(Q10),目前缺少一致性结论。多数研究结果表明,不同生态系统的SOC含量与温度敏感性之间呈现正相关关系,这一结果意味着SOC含量的变化与温度敏感性的变化趋势一致;而有关土壤有机碳质量对温度敏感性影响的研究结果均显示二者呈现负相关关系,遵循着“碳质量-温度”假说;区分外源物分解与土壤本身SOC矿化对Q10的贡献,可以在一定程度上更准确的解析Q10值的变化原理;温度敏感性对微生物特性的响应主要体现微生物群落结构变化,主导群落的变化往往会导致温度敏感性的变化。影响SOC矿化及其Q10的因素并不是单一的,而是多因素耦合效应,明确不同生态系统中参与碳循环各因素的交互作用,可以为实现“碳中和”提供参考。



    Soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization is one of the important processes of carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems, and its response to global climate change is closely related to the source or sink issue of soil carbon dioxide emissions.Understanding the mechanism of SOC mineralization affected by temperature change in different ecosystems is essential for predicting green-house gas emission and SOC balance management.The SOC content and quality significantly vary under different ecological systems, which further influence the soil microbial community composition.These coupling effects directly or indirectly control the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of SOC mineralization by biochemical processes; however, the results of these researches are not consistent.A positive correlation between soil organic carbon content and temperature sensitivity exists in different ecosystems, which indicates that the change of SOC content has the same trend with Q10; while SOC quality and Q10 are negatively correlated in different ecosystems, following the "carbon mass-temperature" hypothesis.Distinguishing the contribution of exogenous C decomposition and SOC mineralization to Q10 would more accurately explain the changes of Q10 at a certain extent.The response of temperature sensitivity to microbial characteristics is mainly in the changes of microbial community structure, and the change of dominant community often drives the change of Q10.The SOC mineralization and its Q10 are influenced by coupling effect of multiple factors rather than a unique factor.To clarify the interaction of the various factors involved in the carbon cycle and the effect on Q10 values change among different ecological systems can provide a reference for the "carbon neutral".


