
Evaluation of tomato resistance to Meloidogyne incognita in Heilongjiang Province

  • 摘要: 根结线虫病是番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)生产中一重要病害,为了筛选抗病品种,采用温室盆栽人工定量接种法,鉴定了黑龙江省21个番茄栽培品种对南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)的抗感反应,并且对筛选到的抗性品种接种北方根结线虫(M.hapla),以验证抗性品种是否含有抗南方根结线虫的Mi基因。结果表明,抗性对照VFNT对南方根结线虫表现为免疫,参试品种只有红春桃和水果番茄的病情指数表现为抗病,分别为12和20;红春桃和水果番茄对南方根结线虫繁殖参数(卵块数和卵的繁殖系数)分别为免疫和抗病,其它品种都表现为感病或高感;红春桃和水果番茄2个品种与VFNT一样对北方根结线虫均表现为感病,说明红春桃和水果番茄品种含有和VFNT一样的Mi-1基因。该研究从当地筛选出的红春桃和水果番茄为防治番茄南方根结线虫病提供有价值的抗病材料;同时,可以看出市售的多数番茄为感病甚至高感品种,这将给番茄根结线虫病的防治带来巨大困难。



    Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) is one of the most important pathogens in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). By screening M. incognita resistance in 21 tomato cultivars collected from Heilongjiang Province, plant of each tomato cultivar was inoculated with 1 000 eggs in greenhouse. The results showed that VFNT as a resistant control was immune to M. incognita, only two tomato cultivars, Hongchuntao and Shuiguofanqie displayed low disease indices with 12 and 20, respectively, and nematode was not able to reproduce in Hongchuntao with less number of egg masses and RF (eggs reproduction factor/plant) in Shuiguofangqie, demonstrating that the two cultivars were resistant to M. incognita. Further, cultivars Hongchuntao and Shuiguofanqie were susceptible to M. hapla as VFNT with great disease indices, egg masses and RF, suggesting that the two cultivars contain Mi-1 gene as VFNT does. The results provide valuable materials for controlling southern root knot nematode disease by using resistance cultivars. Most tomato cultivars sold in the markets with high susceptibility to root-knot nematodes would be a great challenge for tomato root knot nematode management.


