
Surface mulching effects on soil properties, citrus leaf nutrient and fruit quality in red soil region orchards of Guangxi

  • 摘要:

    广西拥有全国最大的柑橘种植面积,橘园是广西最具代表性的果园生态系统,杂草管理是橘园管理的重要工作之一,然而因杂草管理措施差异导致的不同地表覆盖方式对土壤养分供给、果树营养状况及果实品质的影响的研究报道还较少。本研究以广西典型红壤区橘园地表防草布覆盖(GPC)、自然生草割刈(NGM)为研究对象,以常规喷施除草剂(地表裸露)为对照(CK),分析不同地表覆盖方式对土壤理化性质、柑橘叶片营养及柑橘品质等指标特征的影响。结果表明,GPC处理虽然显著提高了表层土壤pH,但使有机碳含量显著降低14.2%(P<0.05);NGM处理表层土壤容重显著降低,土壤pH显著提高9.8%(P<0.05)。GPC处理在提高土壤速效钾、有效钙、有效锌含量、在提升柑橘叶片氮、钾、镁、锌营养等方面有促进作用; NGM处理在提高土壤碱解氮、速效钾、有效钙、有效镁和有效锌供应,提升秋冬季节柑橘叶片氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、锌及硼营养等方面有明显优势。GPC处理显著降低柑橘的可滴定酸含量,NGM则显著提高柑橘总糖含量; 两种覆盖方式均显著提高柑橘的糖酸比,分别比对照提高12.8%和20.1%(P<0.05);GPC处理使维生素C(Vc)含量降低28.8%,NGM处理的Vc含量则比CK提高5.82%。与传统杂草管理方式相比,尽管防草布覆盖表现出一些优势,但综合分析认为自然生草割刈是广西橘园更好的杂草管理方式。



    Guangxi covers the largest citrus planting area in China, and orange orchard is the most typical orchard ecosystem in Guangxi.Weed management is the priority in citrus orchards management.However, few is reported concerning the effects of different surface mulching on soil nutrient supply, citrus nutritional status and fruit quality.In this study, we applied grass-proof cloth cover (GPC) and natural grass mowing (NGM) treatments with conventional herbicide spraying (bare ground) as the control(CK) in the citrus orchard of typical red soil area to analyze the characteristics of soil physical and chemical properties, citrus leaf nutrition and citrus quality under different surface mulching.The results showed that GPC treatment significantly increased the pH value of topsoil, but decreased organic carbon by 14.2%; NGM treatment significantly reduced the bulk density of surface soil, but significantly increased soil pH by 9.8%(P < 0.05).GPC treatment increased the contents of available K, available Ca and available Zn in topsoil and promoted nutrition levels of N, K, Mg and Zn in citrus leaves; NGM treatment significantly improved the supply of soil alkali-hydro N, available K, available Ca, available Mg and available Zn, and increased the contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn and B in citrus leaves in autumn and winter.GPC treatment significantly reduced the titratable acid content of citrus, while NGM treatment significantly increased the total sugar content of citrus.Mulching methods significantly increased the sugar acid ratios of citrus by 12.8% and 20.1% compared with CK(P < 0.05), respectively.Compared with CK, GPC treatment reduced vitamin C(Vc)content by 28.8%, while NGM treatment increased Vc content by 5.82%.The comprehensive analysis showed that natural grass mowing would be a better weed management option in Guangxi citrus orchard.


