
Meat production efficiency for changing grain land to forage land

  • 摘要: “粮改饲养殖”发展草食牲畜畜牧业具有保护生态意义。本文研究了其产肉潜力、保障粮食安全及增收富民作用。结果表明,专用青贮玉米在长春地区的干物质产量为37.9 t·hm−2,本地籽食用玉米产量平均为12.5 t·hm−2,秸秆和叶及鞘的平均产量为12.8 t·hm−2;生产青贮总热能产量高,对牛的消化能比生产籽粒对猪及其剩余秸秆和鞘叶对牛的消化能高74%,籽食用玉米适宜青贮期收获做青贮的消化能比其收获籽粒和秸秆及鞘叶所产消化能高33%。全生长过程,生产玉米籽粒养猪比改种青贮玉米生产青贮养牛,其单位面积产肉多50%,青贮产量∶籽粒产量=6∶1时,二者胴体肉产量持平。现行价格体系下,生产青贮养牛比生产籽粒养猪收益高38%。


    Abstract: It have ecological significance to develop herbivorous animal husbandry by changing grain land to forage land. We sdudied it’s meat production and economic benefit. The results showed that the dry matter yield of silage of dedicated silage maize was 37.9 t·hm−2 in Changchun, the average grain yield of local common grain maize was 12.5 t·hm−2 and it’s average yield of stvover was 12.8 t·hm−2. The land for producing silage and feeding cattle produced more energy and digestibility energy, which was 74% higher than the land changed for producing grain and feeding swine. The digestibility energy of maize silage is 33% higher than that of grain and stvover. In the whole growth process of livestock including female animal feeding , the meat yield per unit area was 50% more for feeding swine by the grain than that for feeding cattle by the silage. The balance ratio of silage production to grain production was 6∶1 for their meat production equal. Under current beef and pork prices, planting and harvesting silage to feed cattle and produce beef is 38% more profitable than producing grain maize to feed swine.


