
Evaluation on the carbon footprint of rice production in the Sanjiang Plain

  • 摘要: 农田作为重要的陆地生态系统,人们在生产过程中为追求产量,往往会使用大量农药、化肥等化学物质,导致农业生产成为温室气体排放的一个重要源头。三江平原位于黑龙江省东北部,水稻作为这一地区的主要农产品,在种植过程中往往释放大量温室气体,对生态环境造成一定影响。本文在稻田温室气体排放观测研究的基础上,应用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,计算了三江平原地区水稻生产的碳足迹。结果表明,三江平原地区水稻全生命周期生产的碳足迹为0.5008 t(CE)·t−1,其中CH4排放量占全部碳足迹的71.8%,N2O排放量占全部碳足迹的8.68%,温室气体占到了全部碳足迹的80.4%,是最为主要的碳排放源。化肥和农药施用所产生的碳排放占到了总碳排放的15.6%,机械化生产过程中所消耗的柴油碳排放,仅占到了总碳排放的3.99%。因此,三江平原地区水稻生产的碳排放控制应以控制温室气体排放为主体,改变以淹灌为主的传统水稻灌溉模式,大力推广水稻节水减排灌溉新技术,配以合理的施肥技术和田间管理方式,推广低温室气体排放的水稻品种,以达到低碳排放的环境友好型水稻种植模式。


    Abstract: Farmland is an important terrestrial ecosystem, and agricultural production often uses a large amount of chemicals including pesticides and fertilizers in the pursuit of yield, resulting in agricultural production becoming an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. The Sanjiang Plain is located in northeastern of Heilongjiang Province, and rice, as a major agricultural product in the region, often releases large amounts of greenhouse gases during cultivation, which has a certain impact on the ecological environment. In this paper, we applied the life cycle assessment (LCA) method to calculate the carbon footprint of rice production in the Sanjiang Plain region based on the observation of greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields. The results showed that the carbon footprint of the whole life cycle production of rice in the Sanjiang Plain area was 0.500 8 t(CE)·t−1, of which CH4 and N2O emissions accounted for 71.8% and 8.68% of the total carbon footprint respectively. The greenhouse gases accounted for 80.4% of the total carbon footprint, which was the most important source of carbon emissions. Carbon emissions from fertilizer and pesticide application accounted for 15.6% of the total carbon emissions, while that from diesel consumed during mechanized production accounted for only 3.99% of the total carbon emissions. Therefore, the carbon emission control of rice production in the Sanjiang Plain region should focus on controlling greenhouse gas emissions. In order to achieve an environmentally friendly rice cultivation mode with low carbon emissions, traditional rice irrigation mode of flooding irrigation should be changed, new water-saving and emission-reducing irrigation technologies should be promoted, reasonable fertilization techniques with field management methods should be integrated, and rice varieties with low greenhouse gas emissions should be adopted.


