Characteristics of soil fertility under super high yield in central black soil area of Northeast China
通过五年生产性定位试验,研究不同养分管理模式对春玉米产量及土壤物理、化学和微生物性状的影响,为实现区域性玉米超高产土壤肥力培育提供参考。试验于2011-2015年在吉林省农安县进行,设置普通高产养分管理和超高产养分管理2 种管理模式,以先玉335和利民33为供试材料,系统监测群体产量构成、土壤团聚体、土壤物理化学及生物指标。结果表明,与普通高产养分管理相比,超高产养分管理产量高出42.9%, 0 ~ 20 cm土层具有较低的土壤容重、较高的含水量与气相比例以及丰富的大团聚体分布与稳定的团聚体稳定性。超高产养分管理土壤中有机质、全磷、全钾、速效养分和土壤微生物量氮的含量均明显高于普通高产养分管理。综合考虑土壤肥力和气候条件,东北中部黑土区超高产养分管理模式,更应重视0 ~ 40 cm全耕层土壤培肥,可以实现东北中部春玉米产量及土壤肥力的协同提升。
Abstract:In this paper, the effects of different nutrient management on spring maize yield, soil physico-chemical properties, and soil microbial characteristics were studied through a five-year field experiment, so as to provide a reference for soil fertility to maize cultivation with super-high yield. The research was conducted in Nong'an, Jilin Province from 2011 to 2015. Two nutrient managements were set as follows: conventional high-yield nitrogen management and super high nutrient management. Maize hybrid XY335 and LM33 were used as test varieties, and population yield components, soil aggregates, soil physico-chemical properties and biological indicators were systematically examined. The results showed that the yield of super high nutrient management was 42.9% higher than that of conventional high-yield nitrogen management. The 0 - 20 cm soil layer in super high nutrient management had lower bulk density, higher water content and gas ratio, rich distribution of large aggregates and stable aggregate stability. The contents of soil organic matter, total phosphorus, total potassium, available nutrient and soil microbial biomass nitrogen in super high nutrient management were also significantly higher than those in conventional high-yield nitrogen management. Considering soil fertility and climate conditions, the super high-yield nutrient management in the central black soil region of Northeast China should pay more attention to nutrient regulation in the 0 - 40 cm subsurface layer, which improved synergistically the spring maize yield and soil fertility in the region.