
Effects of nematode addition on soil labile carbon and nitrogen under different straw returning practices

  • 摘要: 土壤活性碳氮(C、N)是农田生态系统养分循环中最活跃的部分,其含量受到秸秆还田方式的影响,同时受到土壤微型生物对土壤养分循环影响的调控。然而,秸秆还田和微型生物双重作用下土壤活性C、N会呈现怎样的变化,尚需要深入探究。本研究以5 kGy低剂量γ辐射后微生物群落基本完整的土壤为供试土壤,接种从新鲜土壤中提取的整个线虫群落,在培养期154天内的不同阶段测定土壤活性C、N的含量。试验设置4个处理:(1)秸秆表施(无线虫添加),(2)秸秆表施+线虫,(3)秸秆混施(无线虫添加),(4)秸秆混施+线虫。结果表明:在较短时间内获得了接种率达到定殖标准(70%)、营养类群趋于稳定的土壤线虫群落。土壤活性C、N含量随培养时间的增加呈阶梯式增加或减少的变化趋势,但与无线虫添加的处理相比,线虫添加处理的土壤CO2释放速率、微生物量碳(MBC)含量和微生物量氮(MBN)含量较高,可溶性有机碳(DOC)、可溶性有机氮(DON)、矿质氮(MN)和铵态氮(NH4+)含量较低,而硝态氮(NO3)含量在培养7 ~ 54 d低于无线虫添加的处理,在培养91 ~ 154 d高于无线虫添加的处理。从整个培养期间来看,秸秆混施方式下线虫添加对微生物量碳含量的促进效应显著低于秸秆表施,对硝态氮的促进效应显著高于秸秆表施。本试验的研究结果有利于厘清土壤线虫在秸秆还田方式下对土壤活性C、N周转的调控作用,为农田生态系统土壤C、N循环的研究提供科学依据。


    Abstract: Soil labile carbon and nitrogen (C, N), the most important components in the nutrient cycle of farmland ecosystem, is closely related to C and N turnover rate and nutrient availability, while its content is significantly influenced by straw returning, and is regulated by micro-organism. However, the changes of soil labile C and N under the combined effects of straw returning and micro-organism need to be further studied. In this study, a microcosm incubation experiment was set up in which the whole nematode communities were extracted from fresh soil and reinoculated into the soil defaunated by 5 kGy dose gamma irradiation that left the microbial community largely intact. The soil was cultured for 154 days, and the content of labile C and N was determined at different stages within 154 days of culture period. Four treatments were included: straw mulching without nematodes, straw mulching with nematodes, straw incorporation without nematodes and straw incorporation with nematodes. The results showed that the inoculation rate of soil nematode communities could reach more than 70% in a relatively short period of time after inoculation, and all trophic groups were detected. Soil labile C and N contents increased or decreased stepwise with the increase of incubation time. The soil CO2 emission rate, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) contents of the treatment with nematodes were greater than those of the treatment without nematodes, and soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), mineral nitrogen (MN) and ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) contents were lower than those of the treatments without nematodes. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3) content of the treatment with nematodes was lower than that of the treatment without nematodes during 7 − 54 days, but was greater than that of the treatment without nematodes during 91 − 154 days. Throughout the incubation period, the magnitude of the effect of nematodes incubated under straw mulching on MBC was greater than that under straw incorporation, while the magnitude of the effect on NO3 was less than that under straw incorporation. These results help to elucidate the role of soil nematodes in regulating soil labile C and N turnover under straw returning conditions, and provide a scientific basis for C and N cycling in soil agroecosystems.


