To investigate the impact of soil heavy metal content and foliar fertilizer types on heavy metal migration in rice, as well as the quality and safety of brown rice, the study was conducted in the rice planting areas with high geological background in Luxi County, Yunnan Province. The contamination status of paddy soil in the study area was assessed using the single factor pollution index method, Nemerow comprehensive pollution index method, and potential ecological risk index method. Additionally, two different types of foliar fertilizers, manganese-zinc fertilizer and silicon-selenium fertilizer, were used as experimental materials. The effects of various foliar fertilizers in large-scale field application were examined by using transfer coefficients and other indicators. The results showed that the average concentrations of As, Cd, and Cr in the paddy soil exceeded the background values of soil heavy metals in Yunnan Province, and the variation coefficitents were high; Cd pollution was significantly severe. However, the overall soil pollution in the study area was classified as light. As, Pb, and Cr showed slight potential ecological hazards, while 40% of Cd exhibited medium potential ecological hazards. Nonetheless, the comprehensive potential ecological hazard index indicated a slight potential ecological hazard. Compared with control, the application of foliar fertilizers was observed that the transfer coefficient between stem and leaf-brown rice decreased, resulting in a significant reduction in heavy metal content in brown rice and stem and leaf. Importantly, no significant differences were found in yield among the different foliar fertilizer treatments. Manganese-zinc fertilizer demonstrated more significant fertilizer efficiency compared with silicon-selenium fertilizer, making it suitable for large-scale field planting.