
Changes of physical properties and ameliorating approaches in Mollisols farmland

  • 摘要: 东北黑土区位于世界四大黑土区之一,因其高肥力和有机质含量而闻名。作为我国主要的粮食生产基地之一,在保障国家粮食安全方面具有重要地位。然而,随着东北黑土地的开垦,养分的失调导致了黑土物理特性的变化和功能的退化,从而使得黑土肥力下降,威胁着该地区的粮食安全和生态安全。黑土物理特性发生变化,主要体现在黑土层土壤容重增加,孔隙度降低,水稳性团聚体减少,田间持水量下降等。采用合理的耕作方式和施肥制度能在不同程度上改善土壤物理特性,从而遏制土壤肥力的不断下降。本文总结了自黑土开垦以来土壤容重、水稳性团聚体、田间持水量和饱和导水率的变化,分析了耕作和有机物料等对土壤物理特性的重要调节作用,讨论了不同保护途径如何通过改善土壤物理特性达到提升土壤肥力的目的,最后从制定合理的耕作体系和有机培肥机制,优化作物种植模式等展望了未来黑土重点研究的方向。



    Mollisols in Northeast China is one of the four major black soil regions in the world, known for its high fertility and organic matter. The region is a dominant grain production base in China, playing an important role in national food security. However, due to the intensive cultivation, the structure and eco-function of Mollisols in Northeast China worsens, and its soil fertility decreases, which threatens regional food security and ecological security. The physical properties of Mollisols changed with the increased soil bulk density as well as reduction in soil porosity, water- stable aggregates and field water holding capacity. Soil structure is closely associated with soil aeration, water and fertilizer retention properties. Effective tillage and fertilization may improve soil structure to curb the trend of soil fertility decline. This paper summarizes previous studies in terms of the changes in soil bulk density, water-stable aggregates, field water holding capacity and saturated hydraulic conductivity since Mollisols' reclamation, highlights the importance of cultivation and organic fertilizer input on soil physical properties, discusses how the different conservative measures may improve soil physical properties and enhance soil fertility, and prospects the future research to optimize tillage system and organic fertilization, to optimize crop planting mode.


