
Approaches and prospects for enhancing tolerance of plants to saline-alkali soils

  • 摘要: 土壤盐碱化是一个重大的环境挑战,正在威胁世界各地的农业生态可持续发展。探索植物适应盐分胁迫的机制、开发提升植物耐盐性的新策略以及培育具有耐盐特性的新品种,对于提升作物产量和有效利用盐碱地资源具有深远的理论价值和实际应用价值。本文综合评述了植物响应盐胁迫的调控机制以及提高植物耐盐性的研究成果,同时探讨了在盐碱地推广农作物种植所面临的障碍和亟待解决的问题。本研究的目的是为保护和合理利用盐碱地资源、提升农作物产量与品质提供参考方向。


    Abstract: Soil salinization is a major environmental challenge that is threatening the sustainable development of agricultural ecology around the world. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for increasing crop yield and making full use of saline and alkaline land to study the salt tolerance mechanism of plants, innovating new approaches to improve salt tolerance of plants, and breeding new salt tolerant varieties. This paper summarizes the research progress in the regulation mechanism of plants to salt stress and the methods to improve salt tolerance of plants, and points out the technical barriers and problems that need to be solved for the promotion of plants in saline and alkaline lands, which provides guidelines for the protection and utilization of saline and alkaline lands, as well as the improvement of crop yield and quality.


