
Rice roots under saline-alkali stress

  • 摘要: 我国盐碱地面积约为1×108 hm2,其中可利用的盐碱地约0.37×108 hm2,盐碱地是重要的耕地后备资源,开发利用潜力巨大。开发种稻是盐碱地改良和利用的有效措施,水稻根系研究对挖掘盐碱水田增产潜力具有重要意义。本文概述了国内外盐碱胁迫水稻根系的研究现状,重点从盐碱胁迫对水稻根系表型、抗逆生理及产量形成的影响等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对该研究领域未来发展进行了展望。以期多角度全面解析盐碱胁迫水稻根系逆境形态和生理机理,明确土壤-根系-产量的互作机制,基于优良种质资源结合育种技术构建理想根系构型,为挖掘盐碱地水稻增产潜力提供参考。


    Abstract: The area of saline-alkali land is approximately 1×108 hm2 in China, of which about 0.37×108 hm2 can be utilized. Saline-alkali land is an important cultivated land reserve resource, with huge potential for development and utilization. Planting rice is an effective approach to utilize saline-alkali land. Rice root research is of great significance to explore the potential of saline-alkali paddy land to increase potential production. This paper briefly summarizes the current research status of saline-alkali stress in rice root system, and mainly focuses the effects of saline-alkali stress on root phenotype, stress physiology as well as its impact on yield formation. The prospects for future research are proposed. Overall analysis on stress morphology and physiological mechanism of saline-alkali stress in rice root system from multiple perspectives, clarification of the soil-root-yield interaction mechanism and construction of an ideal root system configuration based on excellent germplasm resources combined with breeding technology, will definitely provide a reference for tapping the potential of saline-alkali land rice to increase yield.


