
Short-term effects of rice husk biochar application rate on acid control and passivation of soil cadmium activity in paddy fields

  • 摘要: 为了探究谷壳源生物炭不同施用量对水稻田控酸和钝化土壤重金属镉活性的短期效应,本研究设置了谷壳源生物炭6个不同用量处理,分析测定土壤pH、水稻产量、土壤有效态镉含量、水稻植株茎和穗中的镉含量和土壤肥力的变化。结果表明,与CK相比,施用生物炭能有效提高土壤pH,提高了0.15 ~ 1.04个单位;当生物炭施用量为80 t·hm–2时,对提高土壤pH效果更显著。施用生物炭能有效提高土壤的综合肥力,土壤全氮、全磷和全钾含量在生物炭施用量超过40 t·hm–2后显著增加,增幅分别达8.62% ~ 14.2%、19.6% ~ 28.3%和11.9% ~ 21.5%;有效磷、速效钾和有机质含量在生物炭施用量≥20 t·hm–2时显著增加,增幅分别达34.6% ~ 115%、70.9% ~ 394%和29.3% ~ 118%;当生物炭施用量超过20 t·hm–2时,水解性氮含量显著降低,降幅为11.4% ~ 22.1%。施用生物炭能有效降低土壤中的有效态镉及水稻植株茎、穗中的镉含量,当生物炭施用量≥20 t·hm–2时,降幅分别为24.0% ~ 37.1%、24.1% ~ 82.9%和28.0% ~ 78.3%;水稻叶中镉含量则在生物炭施用量超过40 t·hm–2后显著降低了22.1% ~ 35.7%。施用生物炭能提高水稻产量,当施用量为20 ~ 40 t·hm–2时有显著的增产效果,增幅分别为12.4%和9.42%。从短期来看,谷壳生物炭具有调节土壤酸度、钝化重金属镉活性和提高水稻产量的潜力,且施用量以20 t·hm–2为宜。


    Abstract: In order to explore the short-term effects of different rates of rice husk biochar application on acid control and passivation of soil heavy metal cadmium activity in paddy fields, six application rates were set up in this experiment. The changes of soil pH, rice yield, soil available cadmium, cadmium content in stems and panicles of rice plants and soil fertility were analyzed and determined. The results showed that compared with CK, the application of biochar effectively increased soil pH by 0.15 - 1.04 units. When the application rate of biochar was 80 t·hm–2, the effect of increasing soil pH was more significant. The application of biochar effectively improved the overall soil fertility. Soil total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium increased significantly when biochar was applied more than 40 t·hm–2, with an increase of 8.62% - 14.2%, 19.6% - 28.3% and 11.9% - 21.5%, respectively. Available phosphorus, available potassium and organic matter increased significantly when the application rate of biochar ≥20 t·hm–2, with an increase of 34.6% - 115%, 70.9% - 394% and 29.3% - 118%, respectively. When the application rate of biochar exceeded 20 t·hm–2, the content of hydrolyzable nitrogen decreased significantly by 11.4% - 22.1%. The biochar application effectively reduced the available cadmium in soil and the cadmium content in stems and panicles of rice plants when the application rate ≥20 t·hm–2, with the reduction of 24.0% - 37.1%, 24.1% - 82.9% and 28.0% -78.3%, respectively. The cadmium content in rice leaves decreased significantly when biochar application rate exceeded 40 t·hm–2, with a decrease of 22.1% - 35.7%. The biochar application increased the yield of rice. When the application rate was 20 - 40 t·hm–2, the yield was significantly increased by 12.4% and 9.42%, respectively. In the short-term, rice husk biochar of 20 t·hm–2 is with the potential to regulate soil acidity, passivate heavy metal cadmium activity and increase rice yield.


