Comparative study on the distribution of soil organic matter and humic substances in the profile of different cultivated soils in Songnen Plain
摘要: 选取黑钙土、黑土(薄层)、黑土(厚层)、风沙土4种不同类型的土壤剖面,探究土壤有机碳(SOC)、胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸(FA)和胡敏素(HM)在不同类型土壤剖面中的分布规律,对于科学评价不同土壤质量、土壤固碳能力的差异有重要意义。与表层(0 ~ 20 cm)相比,黑钙土、黑土(薄层)、黑土(厚层)、风沙土深层(80 ~ 100 cm)的SOC含量分别显著降低了21.7%、26.9%、41.4%、23.6%(P<0.05),pH分别由5.2、5.9、6.1、4.8升高至7.5、7.2、8.4、7.6,HA含量分别降低了34.9%、40.4%、46.6%、11.4%,FA含量分别降低了52.2%、36.2%、73.3%、59.0%,HM含量分别降低了32.2%、18.3%、37.2%、30.7%(P<0.05)。HA/FA随土层加深而逐渐升高,黑钙土、黑土(厚层)、风沙土从0 ~ 20 cm至80 ~ 100 cm分别显著提高了42.9%、161%、101%(P<0.05)。而80 ~ 100 cm黑钙土、黑土(薄层)、黑土(厚层)、风沙土中HA和FA色调系数(△lgK)比0 ~ 20 cm土层分别显著降低了20.6%、29.9%、34.9%、40.3%和21.8%、17.1%、21.8%、18.9%(P<0.05)。在剖面垂直尺度上,有机质和腐殖质含量均呈下降趋势,厚层黑土剖面平均SOC、pH、腐殖物质含量及色调系数均高于其他3种类型土壤,剖面土壤质量较高,但HA与FA结构较简单。Abstract:
Cheronzem, black soil (thin layer), black soil (thick layer) and aeolian soil were selected to study the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC), humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA) and humin (HM) content, which is of significance to accurately assess the soil quality and ability of C sequestration in those farming soils. Compared to topsoil (0 - 20 cm), SOC in 80 - 100 cm of cheronzem, black soil (thin layer), black soil(thick layer) and aeolian soil decreased by 21.7%, 26.9%, 41.4%, 23.6%, while pH increased from 5.2, 5.9, 6.1, 4.8 to 7.5, 7.2, 8.4, 7.6 in cheronzem, black soil (thin layer), black soil (thick layer) and aeolian soil, respectively. HA content declined by 34.9%, 40.4%, 46.6%, 11.4% in cheronzem, black soil (thin layer), black soil (thick layer) and aeolian soil, respectively. Similarly, FA decreased by 52.2%, 36.2%, 73.3%, 59.0%, and HM decreased by 32.2%, 18.3%, 37.2%, 30.7% (P<0.05) . Interestingly, HA/FA ratio increased by 42.9%, 161%, 101% (P<0.05) from 0 - 20 cm to 80 - 100 cm in cheronzem, black soil (thick layer) and aeolian soil, respectively. However, △lgK of HA decreased by 20.6%, 29.9%, 34.9%, 40.3%, while that of FA decreased by 21.8%,17.1%, 21.8%, 18.9% in cheronzem, black soil (thin layer), black soil (thick layer) and aeolian soil (P<0.05), respectively. SOC and humic substances uniformly decrease in different soil profiles, the average SOC, pH, humic substances and △lgK in black soil (thick layer) are higher than other three soils.